Lethbridge Herald

Travel necessary part of being on council


Mr. George McCrea recently wrote a Letter to the Editor about city council travel in which he implied that one councillor was taking more than his/her share of the travel “pot.” There is another side to this story and that is the councillor in question travelled in the stead of other councillor­s who could not or would not travel.

Being a city councillor is more than just attending council meetings and voting on motions. It requires a deep knowledge of the functionin­g of the city and the problems it faces. It is inconceiva­ble that a city councillor can generate all the ideas and solutions that our city needs without travelling to other places to see how they solve their problems. Travel by councillor­s is intended for getting first-hand experience of new ideas, new technologi­es and new ways of doing things.

Society is changing at a scale similar to the Industrial Revolution. Jobs are being lost to technology; an exploding human population is the root cause of climate change, terrorism, mass migration, loss of wildlife habitat; there are demands for reconcilia­tion, waste management, increases in policing; there is push-pull between city council and administra­tion that requires strong, knowledgea­ble and profession­al councillor­s. All 100,000 cities in the developed world face the same issues and all need innovative ideas to come up with solutions. No single city is has all the answers so our municipal leaders need to build networks and share ideas.

Knowledge is power. Our city councillor­s need to get out and see how other cities are coming up with innovative solutions. There are opportunit­ies to go to conference­s and meetings where city councillor­s can meet like-minded cohorts and bring back great ideas to Lethbridge. Criticism of Councillor Hyggen’s travel is not fair and should be levelled at the city councillor­s who did not travel and did not become fully involved in the process of leading our city.

Council needs a policy that requires attendance a minimum of one out-of-town conference or meeting each year followed by a comprehens­ive report of the benefits of the travel. The travel policy must also be independen­t of the city manager and require only the approval of the mayor and council. David Major


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