Lethbridge Herald

Florists’ long history in city


Back in 1909, Thomas Leigh Clark opened the first flower shop in Lethbridge out of his home at 604 Cutbill Street — 10 Street South today. In 1912, Clark was joined by George Taylor, J.E. Terrill and the Frache brothers, who all opened florist shops in Lethbridge, some of them also building full greenhouse­s to grow their wares.

Taylor was both a florist and a seed man. He had freshcut flowers, wedding bouquets and floral designs available in his shop on the corner of Bartlett and London Streets, or 12 Street and 7 Avenue South today.

The Terrill Floral Company, which opened on 11 Street South, specialize­d in growing roses and carnations, as well as house and garden plants. Eventually they moved their storefront to 604 3 Ave. S. and maintained a greenhouse at 2015 6 Ave. N. The Frache brothers, who owned greenhouse­s at Henderson Park and on the north side of Lethbridge, bought the Terrill Floral Company in 1928. They eventually closed their operations in 1955.

The 1930s saw a boom in flower shops, florists and greenhouse­s. The Marquis Flower Shop, originally establishe­d by the Medicine Hat Greenhouse­s with manager H. Coventry, was purchased by Fred Edmunson in 1938. The Marquis Flower Shop is still operating today, 79 years after it was establishe­d. It has moved storefront locations three times, from the first floor of the Marquis Hotel of 4 Avenue South, to 312 6 St. S., to its current home at 905 3 Ave. S.

Lorna Perry was a clerk and assistant manager for the Marquis Flower Shop before opening her own shop, Lorna’s Flowers, in 1953 at 1508 9 Ave. S. Lorna retired in 1987 and the new owner renamed the shop Flowers on 9th.

The exhibit “Say it with Flowers” is showing at the Galt Museum & Archives until Jan. 16.

Your old photos, documents, and artifacts might have historical value. Please contact Galt Museum & Archives for advice before destroying them.

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