Lethbridge Herald

Trump’s remarks an insult to all immigrants who seek better lives



I am an immigrant, as millions and millions who have come to America (the American continent extends from Tierra del Fuego, at the south, to the farther north of Canada, not only U.S.A.). As many reasons led poor countries’ people to emigrate, my reason was related to my concern about how human rights were being violated in my country, by killing labour union leaders, teachers, innocent people, even priests, by the army and the unpopular political party “democratic­ally” appointed by the wealthy elite, with the help of U.S. president Bush.

I should like to thank God because I was sent to Canada. By the way, it was not my choice to leave my country, but did so for the safety of my family. The abusive words of the Republican­s’ puppet, the clown who plays the role of president in the U.S., against poor countries is reason enough to take him out of any government office. With his words, he is not only insulting the mentioned countries, but all human beings who look for better places to live. He doesn’t own the land. It was stolen by ancestors who also came as an immigrants. Those who immigrated before make the rules and laws according to their own interests, taking the rich lands and creating the power of the wealthy over the ones who perform the real economic activities.

But where is the Internatio­nal Human Rights Commission? Is it looking to protect the drug dealers in the Philippine­s? Or enjoying the budget where it is not necessary?

Roberto Hernandez


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