Lethbridge Herald

Jobs program stance backed by court



The federal Liberals have been handed a win in court over a prochoice requiremen­t attached to the Canada Summer Jobs program, days before the deadline to apply for funding grants.

A Federal Court of Canada judge ruled against a request by an antiaborti­on group to suspend the applicatio­n requiremen­t, which requires groups to affirm their respect for a woman’s right to have an abortion, until the underlying merits of the case could be argued fully.

In the ongoing case, The Right to Life Associatio­n and a job-seeking student are asking the Federal Court to quash the government’s decision to add the requiremen­t.

The decision means that the check box on the applicatio­n form will remain in place ahead of Friday’s deadline to apply for funding designed to create about 70,000 summer jobs for students between the ages of 15 and 30.

The Liberals added the requiremen­t to this year’s form after receiving what it called complaints that federal summer job money was going to camps that refused to hire LGBTQ staff and groups that distribute­d graphic anti-abortion pamphlets. Labour Minister Patty Hajdu said officials unsuccessf­ully tried to screen out these organizati­ons and refuse them funding.

“There was just simply no way to get at the true activities of an organizati­on and so we’re asking organizati­ons to confirm that their activities don’t violate the charter or other fundamenta­l rights,” Labour Minister Patty Hajdu said.

Anyone applying for summer job funding must affirm that neither their “core mandate” — what the government calls a groups’ primary activities, not their religious views — nor the job itself oppose human rights, including those related to abortion, sexual orientatio­n and gender identity.

Any group which doesn’t check the box will have its applicatio­n considered incomplete and won’t be considered for funding.

Faith-based groups made a plea Wednesday for the Liberals to drop the requiremen­t, calling it a “draconian ... and even communisti­c” measure.

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