Lethbridge Herald

Saved, but stranded


- Frances D’Emilio

A private rescue ship carrying 629 migrants remained at sea Sunday evening after more than a day of not receiving permission to dock in either Italy or the small Mediterran­ean island nation of Malta.

Aid group SOS Mediterran­eee said the passengers on its ship, the Aquarius, included 400 people who were picked up by the Italian navy, that country’s coast guard and private cargo ships and transferre­d. The rescue ship’s crew itself pulled 229 migrants from the water or from trafficker­s’ unseaworth­y boats Saturday night, including 123 unaccompan­ied minors and seven pregnant women.

The Aquarius and its passengers were caught up in a crackdown promoted by the right-wing partner in Italy’s new populist government, which has vowed to stop the country from becoming the “refugee camp of Europe.”

Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte said he personally contacted Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat, to “explicitly at least take on the human assistance of persons in difficulty aboard the Aquarius.”

But Muscat, “while comprehend­ing the situation,” rebuffed him, Conte said in a Facebook post late Sunday. That stance “confirms the latest unwillingn­ess of Malta and, thus, of Europe, to intervene and take care of the emergency.” Like Malta, Italy didn’t appear to be budging. Italy’s firebrand interior minister, Matteo Salvini, who leads the anti-immigrant League party in the governing coalition, has long railed against what he depicts as Europe’s failure to show solidarity with Italy during the migrant crisis in recent years.

“Starting today, Italy, too, begins to say NO to the traffickin­g of human beings, NO to the business of clandestin­e immigratio­n,” Salvini tweeted Sunday.

After leading an hours-long meeting with his coalition leaders Sunday night at the premier’s office, Conte said Italy was sending two motorboats with medical staff aboard in case the migrants needed help.

Salvini and Italian Transporta­tion Minister Danilo Toninelli, who is part of the 5-Star Movement faction in the new government, said in a joint statement Sunday that it was Malta’s responsibi­lity to “open its ports for the hundreds of the rescued on the NGO ship Aquarius.”

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