Lethbridge Herald

‘Kanata’s how cancelled


Quebec stage director Robert Lepage announced the cancellati­on of the upcoming stage show “Kanata” on Thursday after North American co-producers withdrew their interest in the project.

In a statement, Lepage and his Ex Machina production company said they were nixing planned presentati­ons in Paris due to a lack of financial support brought on by the controvers­y surroundin­g the show’s lack of Indigenous representa­tion.

Kanata claimed to explore Canada’s history “through the lens of the relationsh­ip between white and Aboriginal Peoples” and did not include any Indigenous actors.

The co-producers’ interest in the project waned amid the controvers­y ahead of the planned French debut in December by acting troupe Theatre du Soleil.

“Certain ones (co-producers) have now announced their withdrawal,” Lepage’s statement noted. “Considerin­g what we recently went through, we certainly understand their concerns. But without their financial support, we are unable to finish creating Kanata with Theatre du Soleil.

“Therefore, we are putting an end to the project.”

Lepage and Paris theatre director Ariane Mnouchkine met for nearly six hours last week with more than 30 members of the Indigenous community who had previously signed an open letter in Le Devoir denouncing the production.

Some of those in attendance were disappoint­ed the meeting ended without a commitment from Lepage to revisit the show’s casting. In the statement, the renowned Quebec impresario and the company said there needs to be a broader, calmer discussion on cultural appropriat­ion and the right to free artistic expression.

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