Lethbridge Herald

Protection for Banff bison


A plains bison herd has officially been protected as wildlife on provincial land near Banff National Park.

The ministeria­l order by Environmen­t and Parks Minister Shannon Phillips was signed Tuesday and gives the Banff bison the same protection as other wildlife — such as grizzly bears — should they wander out of the park and onto provincial land.

The amendment to the Wildlife Act has establishe­d a 239-square-kilometre area called the Upper Red Deer River Special Bison Area. It stretches northwest of Banff National Park to land in and around the federally run Ya Ha Tinda Ranch.

“They are considered wildlife in those areas,” Phillips said in an interview. “The best thing to do that we’re saying to the public is don’t pull out your gun. Pull out your cellphone and report it if you do see one.

“These animals are being monitored ... so we don’t anticipate a huge number of problems.”

Two bull bison that wandered out of the park were removed from the herd by Parks Canada in the last week. Officials with Banff National Park said they posed a safety risk to the public and to livestock.

One of the bulls was killed by park wildlife staff, while the second was captured and relocated to Waterton Lakes National Park’s bison paddock.

“It’s their responsibi­lity and they dealt with it in the way they felt was best,” said Phillips. “We’re in a supporting role on this, and it’s their wildlife biologists and experts who are taking the lead on this so they did what they thought they had to do.”

Parks Canada said the other 33 bison in the herd remain in Banff National Park, which is a federally protected area.

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