Lethbridge Herald

New firearms law a waste of money


In response to Dave Holland, Parlimenta­ry Secretary: Spending millions more of taxpayers money for laws currently in place is ridiculous.

You state the new law will make it illegal to transport restricted or prohibited firearms other than to registered firing ranges. This has always been the law. (1.) Current laws require membership at an accredited gun range. (2.) The RCMP must approve you for a transport permit which only allows a direct route from home to range. (3.) The transport permit and firearms licence must be renewed every five years by the RCMP. Period end of story.

Transporti­ng restricted or prohibited firearms (other than to a range) is breaking the law.

A report from the RCMP stated the vast majority of firearms used in criminal activities are smuggled illegally into Canada. Magically, Mr. Secretary, you state criminals are stealing most from legal gun owners. Which is true? Make up your mind.

Another farce is the statement that the new laws now require a PAL licence to stop illegal sales of firearms to criminals. “Hello.” It has always been illegal to sell or purchase a firearm without a (PAL) firearms licence. The vast majority of firearm vendors record sales. Private sales do not require records, just a PAL licence.

Indigenous people are exempt, no record of anything required. These millions of dollars are being wasted. Makes no sense. Target gangs, drugs and criminals. That makes sense.

Legal owners will always follow the law. Good luck with the criminal element.

If we have so much taxpayer money (millions) available, spend it on enforcemen­t.

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