Lethbridge Herald

Ford defends council cuts


- Paola Loriggio and Shawn Jeffords THE CANADIAN PRESS — TORONTO

Ontario’s legislatur­e plunged into chaos Wednesday as protesters and most of the Opposition were ejected for disrupting the government’s efforts to revive a bill slashing Toronto’s city council nearly in half just days after a judge found the legislatio­n unconstitu­tional.

Shouts erupted from the public gallery and some hecklers were led out in handcuffs as Premier Doug Ford argued he was protecting democracy by invoking a constituti­onal provision to override the court decision, which found his plan to cut council during an election campaign violated freedom of expression rights.

“This is about preserving the will of the people, this is about preserving democracy,” Ford said, citing his Progressiv­e Conservati­ves’ victory in the spring election.

Asked whether he believed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the premier said a democratic­ally elected government should not be derailed by a “politicall­y appointed” judge. Ford has maintained cutting Toronto city council to 25 seats from 47 is necessary to streamline decision-making and save taxpayer money.

The council-cutting bill and the notwithsta­nding clause that will ensure its implementa­tion — a provision being used for the first time in Ontario — were introduced by Ford’s government Wednesday afternoon following a commotion from the Opposition benches.

The New Democrats attempted to drown out the reading of the bill by banging on their desks, prompting the Speaker to kick most of their ranks, including Leader Andrea Horwath, out of the house. Horwath said her party members had launched their protest to show they wouldn’t accept Ford’s “heavy-handed” decision lightly.

Earlier in the day, members of the public in the legislatur­e voiced their own discontent by coughing in unison to drown out the premier when he tried to speak. That disruption quickly turned into a series of shouts and heckles.

“Shame on you, this is not democracy,” one man shouted at the premier. “We are the people.”

The commotion drew repeated reprimands from the Speaker, who briefly recessed the house. The public gallery was cleared of all spectators and at least two protesters were handcuffed and taken away by security officers.

Laura Barrett, a Toronto supply teacher who lined up to watch the debate but couldn’t make it inside before the gallery was shut down, said she wanted to show her disapprova­l at what she called a “constituti­onal tragedy.”

“It’s totally antithetic­al to the idea of democracy and it’s a real mess,” she said, calling it absurd to reduce democracy to voting every four years.

“That’s the whole point of the charter, it outlives and outlasts any one political movement or party ... it goes to our fundamenta­l rights as people. So don’t trample on those, but especially not for this, this is the pettiest thing.”

The action at the legislatur­e took place during an emergency session called by Ford — his second since taking office in June — after the court decision that went against his government earlier this week.

The province’s use of the notwithsta­nding clause to forge ahead with their council-cutting plans has drawn condemnati­on from critics, who’ve said the provision was not designed to deal with this kind of issue.

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