Lethbridge Herald

Ignorance gets empathy in conversion therapy tale


oy Erased ” is based on the true story of a young man, Garrard Conley, whose Baptist family put him in a conversati­on therapy centre to “cure” his homosexual­ity when he was just 19 years old. Conley wrote about his experience­s in a memoir, which writer-director-actor Joel Edgerton has adapted for the screen in a manner that is admirably and almost radically empathetic to all its characters — even the villains.

In the film, the protagonis­t is called Jared Eamons, giving a little distance perhaps from the real-life subjects. He is played with deep soulfulnes­s by the talented actor Lucas Hedges who has yet to meet a role he can’t conquer. His parents are Marshall Eamons (Russell Crowe), a respected local pastor and car salesman in Arkansas, and Nancy Eamons (Nicole Kidman), a dutiful wife and caring mother with a penchant for tastefully bedazzled clothing.

They’re the kind of family who, when presented with the informatio­n that their only son might be gay, aren’t just opposed to the idea, but believe deep down that it’s a sin, a choice, and an affliction that can be cured, on par with things like domestic violence, alcoholism and pedophilia. But they’re also the kind of family who believes that this mentality comes from love, not intoleranc­e or prejudice.

And so, after some tears and consulting with local men of the church who’ve “dealt” with things like this before, Marshall decides to ship Jared off to conversion therapy to be fixed in a program run by a man named Victor Sykes (played by Edgerton himself ). This is not to say that the film doesn’t have a point of view, it just doesn’t rush to demonize the people putting Jared in this situation. The administra­tors at the centre (including Flea as an ex-con there to muscle the kids into submission) do that well enough on their own, and without external embellishm­ent or contrivanc­es.

The story is told in real time peppered with various flashbacks as Jared wrestles with what he’s been through (including an incredibly traumatic and upsetting incident that I won’t say anything more about here), what he’s felt and what he wants to do. We don’t get much of Jared’s internal monologue, but there is the sense that there is real conflict in him. He’s a good kid who is used to pleasing his parents, and now, through no fault of his own, he has managed to disappoint them and he carries that shame.

The centre devolves into a place of horrors as the weeks go on, but there is a glint of hope as Nancy, who is stewarding her son to and from the sessions while they stay in a local hotel, starts to read up on their philosophi­es and techniques. It’s an arc that I didn’t see coming and one that justifies why someone as brilliant as Kidman was necessary. Even Crowe, who is mostly absent, gets his own few minutes of affecting emotion by the end.

You do wish you got to know everyone a little better, especially Jared’s therapy-mates (Troye Sivan, Jesse LaTourette, Britton Sear among them) but the film keeps the viewer at a bit of a distance.

For Edgerton as a writer and director, “Boy Erased” is very strong, albeit less flashy, follow-up to his first film “The Gift,” a taut thriller that couldn’t be more different from this one. “Boy Erased” is undoubtedl­y more important, however, and even though it might be difficult to watch at times, it’s done with such evident love and sensitivit­y that it’s hard to imagine a human being not connecting in some way, and perhaps even learning something along the way.

“Boy Erased,” a Focus Features release, is rated R by the Motion Picture Associatio­n of America for “sexual content including an assault, some language and brief drug use.” Running time: 114 minutes.

Three stars out of four.

 ?? Associated Press photos ?? This image released by Focus Features shows Joel Edgerton in a scene from “Boy Erased.”
Associated Press photos This image released by Focus Features shows Joel Edgerton in a scene from “Boy Erased.”
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 ??  ?? This image released by Focus Features shows Nicole Kidman, left, and Russell Crowe in a scene from “Boy Erased.”
This image released by Focus Features shows Nicole Kidman, left, and Russell Crowe in a scene from “Boy Erased.”

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