Lethbridge Herald

Legal firearm owners are wrong target


Once again the Liberal government is targeting legal firearm owners. The secret plan is to ban handguns, rifles and some shotguns at their whim. Farmers, hunters, collectors and legal firearm owners will be affected.

Gangs, criminals and terrorists will not be affected because they do not abide by the law. Records show 2.1 million licensed firearm owners in Canada have approximat­ely 10 million firearms. Gary Breitkreiu­z (former Tory MP) stated, using import and export data, firearm numbers are between 16.5 million and 21 million. Some Canadian chiefs of police claim legal firearm owners are more dangerous than non-firearm owners. Statistics Canada verifies this as an untrue statement and computes odds of one in 10 million that a legal firearm owner will cause you harm or death. Toronto Police statistics (Freedom of Informatio­n Act) say crimes by firearm are decreasing with one exception, gang activity. Where are the gangs of farmers, collectors or hunters?

It is easy to attack legal ownership and it looks good to the public. Prime Minister Trudeau is hoping to announce these bans when PM Ardern of New Zealand arrives for a few more ridiculous photo ops.

Seventy-seven per cent of firearm deaths in Canada are suicides. Will banning guns stop suicides? Gang homicides (15 per cent) are trending upwards. The criminal element has been obtaining firearms illegally for years and will continue to do so regardless of any roadblocks or bans to legal owners.

The public is scared but criminal activity will never be deterred with a slap on the wrist by laws with no teeth. Criminals will never follow any laws. You do not have to be a brain surgeon to come to that conclusion. Billions of taxpayer dollars were flushed down the toilet on the last Liberal gun registry fiasco. Zero accomplish­ed. As usual, legal firearm owners were the wrong target.

I do not comprehend how lawabiding hunters, farmers, collectors, target shooters or legal firearm owners can be considered dangerous to the public. If this is the best Liberals can contrive, I throw my hands in the air. They can not be trusted; they suppress the truth. Vote them out. Dale Brooks


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