Lethbridge Herald

Cutting AISH payments not the way to balance the budget


The UCP decision to reduce AISH payments to Alberta’s vulnerable demographi­c as a means to reduce the deficit is nothing more than white privilege at work. The UCP state that in comparison to other provinces Alberta is much more generous and while that may be true, the appropriat­e course of action is to increase AISH payments and encourage the other provinces to match Alberta’s progressiv­e approach to those experienci­ng severe handicaps.

The UCP say the hold on AISH payments will save $10 million, these are the same people who reduced the corporate tax rate from 12 per cent to eight per cent. While I’m not sure how much that reduction results in real dollars, I’m relatively confident that if approached, the good corporate citizens of Alberta would take a small reduction in the tax-rate cut from eight per cent to 8.0025 per cent to ensure those less fortunate could rely on some stability in their lives.

For those of you who think I’m being overly dramatic, I have a challenge for the UCP caucus: the next time you have to go to the bathroom, tie your hands behind your back and then ask the colleague beside you to help you to go to the bathroom. Again, you’re thinking overly dramatic, I know this person. While I’m sure no one will take up the challenge, at least take 30 seconds to think about the experience, maybe while you are going to the bathroom.

To the citizens of Alberta, whether you are right or left of centre, we are better than this decision and like the grinch, let our hearts grow a little bigger this year and maybe provide those less fortunate an opportunit­y for a little additional respect and dignity.

To the UCP, I assume you are also better people than you have demonstrat­ed to date. Do the right thing and govern for all people, AISH recipients need more help, not less.

Allan Ross


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