Lethbridge Herald

StatCan braces for digital-cloud rumbling


Statistics Canada is planning to move its informatio­n holdings to the digital cloud — a shift the national number-crunching agency acknowledg­es will prompt questions about the protection of sensitive data.

The initiative is part of the federal government’s “cloud-first strategy” to meet the increasing demand for online services and provide an alternativ­e to its own, increasing­ly creaky computers.

Privately run cloud companies provide customers, such as federal department­s, with virtual computer services — from email systems to vast storage capacity — using software, servers and other hardware hosted on the company’s premises.

Statistics Canada sees several benefits including affordable access to the latest technologi­es, additional processing power and storage, and more timely provision of data to the public and researcher­s.

But the statistics agency also realizes some rumbling could emerge from the cloud.

“The use of cloud technology will raise questions about data security and Statistics Canada’s ability to protect sensitive data,” say internal agency notes disclosed through the Access to Informatio­n Act. “Furthermor­e, Canadians will want to know what steps are being taken to ensure their informatio­n continues to be safe.

“The use of cloud technology may also raise questions about data sovereignt­y and the possible access to and use of data under the laws of another country.”

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