Lethbridge Herald

No TMX sale while risks remain

Ottawa to avoid selling Trans Mountain pipeline while there’s legal and political risks


The federal government is studying the best options for Indigenous communitie­s to reap economic benefits from the Trans Mountain pipeline but Ottawa is not planning to sell the project while legal and political risks remain. The Supreme Court of Canada eliminated one of those risks Thursday when it denied British Columbia the right to regulate the contents of the pipeline. At least two other significan­t legal challenges continue to hang over the project, making its future far from certain.

They both question the validity of the cabinet endorsemen­t given to the expansion project last June, one citing environmen­tal concerns and the other mistakes made during consultati­ons with Indigenous communitie­s. If either challenge succeeds in overturnin­g cabinet’s approval, it would stop constructi­on for a second time and put the entire project on extremely shaky ground.

The expansion involves building a second pipeline roughly parallel to the existing one that runs between Edmonton and Burnaby, B.C. The original pipeline will carry refined oil products and light crude. The expansion is meant to carry only diluted bitumen, a heavy crude oil produced in Alberta’s oilsands, for export.

Early stages of constructi­on began after the expansion was first approved in 2016, but all of that ground to a halt in August 2018, when the Federal Court of Appeal tore up cabinet’s approval. The court ruled Ottawa hadn’t properly consulted Indigenous communitie­s or adequately considered the impacts the project would have on marine life off the B.C. coast.

After another round of Indigenous consultati­ons and a second look at marine impacts, cabinet approved the expansion again last June, with constructi­on resuming later that summer. The first lengths of pipe were put into the ground before Christmas, with plans for more pipe and work on several terminals and pumping stations to be underway over the next six months.

The federal government is now the sole owner and operator of the pipeline, through the Trans Mountain Corporatio­n, a Crown agency. That purchase came after Kinder Morgan Canada got cold feet about proceeding in the midst of multiple court challenges, including B.C.’s attempt to keep heavy oil out of the pipe. The Supreme Court’s decision Thursday ended the case, reaffirmin­g the pipelines running between provinces are entirely within the jurisdicti­on of the federal government.

Pierre-Olivier Herbert, director of communicat­ions for Finance Minister Bill Morneau, said Friday Ottawa will remain the sole owner of the pipeline as long as any risk remains to constructi­on of the expansion.

“When the political risks made it too difficult for the private sector to move forward, our government acquired the Trans Mountain expansion project and related assets,” Herbert said. “We have been clear, however, that it is not our intention to be long-term owners of the project.”

There are at least three Indigenous organizati­ons vying to buy the pipeline, or at least a majority stake in it, but the government is not officially accepting offers at this point. There are 129 Indigenous communitie­s potentiall­y impacted by the pipeline, and not all of them are part of the three well-organized groups. Some of them are working to stop the pipeline altogether.

Last summer officials at the Department of Finance held an “initial engagement” with nearly six dozen Indigenous communitie­s situated along or near the pipeline’s 1,150-kilometre route. It is now working to refine the potential models for Indigenous participat­ion raised in those consultati­ons. That could mean securing employment benefits, revenue sharing, or an equity stake in the project.

“It is important that Indigenous communitie­s have an opportunit­y for meaningful economic participat­ion while we hold to our commitment of investing in a way that benefits all

Canadians, and that operates the project on a commercial basis,” Herbert said.

All of that could be for naught if the Federal Court of Appeal agrees with eight First Nations that the federal government did not fulfil its duty to consult them. Most of them were part of the first successful challenge that halted constructi­on in 2018 and argued in a hearing in December that the second round of consultati­ons was a smoke screen created by a federal government that had every intention of approving the project again.

The Federal Court of Appeal has reserved its judgment in that case.

It refused to hear a challenge of the cabinet approval from Indigenous communitie­s and two environmen­t groups who alleged the government was violating the Species at Risk Act because the pipeline would harm the highly endangered southern resident killer whales.

The environmen­t groups and some of the First Nations are now appealing to the Supreme Court to hear the case.

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