Lethbridge Herald

Lacrosse is the oldest organized sport in North America

- Submitted by Lethbridge Sport Council

June is National Indigenous History Month and the official beginning of summer. Canada’s official summer sport lacrosse has deep historical and cultural roots. Local coach and parent Chad Chief Moon is motivated to bring lacrosse to more boys and girls across the region.

Originatin­g in North America, lacrosse is a tribal game played by many nations to acknowledg­e the Creator and honour elders. It is known as the Creator’s game or the Medicine game. It is the oldest organized sport in North America.

Traditiona­l lacrosse games were sometimes major events that could last several days. As many as 100 to 1,000 men from opposing villages or tribes would participat­e. The games were played in open plains located between the two villages, and the goals could range from 460 metres to 9.7 kilometres apart.

The game was transforme­d into a modern sport with specific rules and regulation­s in the 1860s.

Men’s lacrosse was held in two Olympic Games, St. Louis in 1904, and London in 1908. Both times a Canadian team won the gold medal.

In Canada, the game was further transforme­d from field lacrosse played outdoors to box lacrosse played indoors.

The Lethbridge Lacrosse Associatio­n has seen a consistent growth for the past 17 years after a 20-year absence and continues to recruit more youth to the game.

Chief Moon said, “Lacrosse is a game I fell in love with seven years ago when my son Zane started to play. I took notice in the skills, stick handling, physical play and, of course, the teamwork.”

When Chief Moon discovered lacrosse was created by Indigenous people, the Creator’s game had a deeper meaning to him. It had a purpose beyond the benefits of sport. It is a healing game and a way to give thanks to the Creator.

Chief Moon said, “My goal is to help my reserve Kainai First Nation establish a lacrosse associatio­n. I believe lacrosse should be available to all Indigenous youth.” He goes on to say that with the historical and cultural significan­ce of lacrosse, Indigenous youth would benefit spirituall­y, physically, mentally and emotionall­y. They will learn new skills like how to use the lacrosse stick as well as the purpose of the stick which is sacred.

The Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission identified sport and recreation as tools for social developmen­t to improve the health and well-being of individual­s and communitie­s.

No other domain of community life has demonstrat­ed sport’s capacity to connect so many young people to positive adult role models and mentors, opportunit­ies for positive developmen­t, and help to acquire critical life skills.

“I am looking forward to this sport coming to our reserve and communitie­s. I am also looking forward to helping our youth become good athletes and stronger people,” said Chief Moon.

Zane has switched his interests from hockey to focus more on the game of lacrosse as both he and his father have felt a strong connection to the game.

They trust in the abilities of the sport as it has been passed down through generation­s and time by way of their culture. They feel a great responsibi­lity to pass their passion for the game along.

If you would like to participat­e in the movement Chief Moon and his son Zane have started in Lethbridge and the surroundin­g area or simply say thanks for a job well done, you can contact Chief Moon at CChiefmoon@gmail.com

For more informatio­n about lacrosse visit


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