Lethbridge Herald

Wisconsin confirms Joe Biden as winner after partial recount


Joe Biden’s victory in battlegrou­nd Wisconsin was confirmed Monday following a partial recount that only added to his 20,600-vote margin over President Donald Trump, who has promised to file a lawsuit seeking to undo the results.

Confirmati­on of the results by the Democratic chairwoman of the Wisconsin Elections Commission started a five-day window for Trump to file a lawsuit. Trump on Saturday promised to file a lawsuit either on Monday or today, a longshot attempt to overturn the results by disqualify­ing as many as 238,000 ballots. Trump’s attorneys have alleged without evidence that there was widespread fraud and illegal activity.

Biden’s campaign has said the recount showed that Biden won Wisconsin decisively and there was no fraud. Even if Trump were successful in Wisconsin, the state’s 10 Electoral College votes would not be enough to undo Biden’s overall victory.

“There’s no basis at all for any assertion that there was widespread fraud that would have affected the results,” Wisconsin’s Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul said in a statement Monday. He noted that Trump’s recount targeted only the state’s two most populous counties where the majority of Black people live.

“I have every confidence that this disgracefu­l Jim Crow strategy for mass disenfranc­hisement of voters will fail,” Kaul said. “An election isn’t a game of gotcha.”

State law gives the power to confirm the election results to the chair of the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission. The position rotates between Republican­s and Democrats and is currently held by Ann Jacobs, a Democrat. She signed the canvass statement showing Biden as the winner over objections from Republican­s who wanted to wait until after legal challenges were exhausted.

In a possible nod to the threatened litigation, the commission called Jacobs’ action a “determinat­ion,” rather than certificat­ion, even though earlier this year and in prior elections it has called such action certificat­ion.

Republican elections commission­er Bob Spindell said final certificat­ion would not take place until after Trump’s lawsuit plays out.

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