Lethbridge Herald

No human possesses knowledge of eternal truth



The Courts of Justice, including the U.S. Supreme Court, heard all the allegation­s of fraudulent votes and found no evidence of irregulari­ty. The Supreme Court has the judges nominated by Republican Party in majority. And yet many Americans are still convinced that the election was stolen. The United States are living in a dystopian nightmare where facts are manufactur­ed and truth is a tool of convenienc­e.

Anyone who claims to possess absolutely indisputab­le knowledge of truth, despite the evidence against it, is delusional or insane. You would think it is impossible to trust such persons with power. Sad fact is, it has happened many times in history. This is why to have the system of checks and balances is vitally important.

No human is perfect. Even in science a fact is the hypothesis that works at a given time and a situation. Isaac Newton was challenged by Albert Einstein’s Relativity. Einstein was challenged by Quantum Entangleme­nt. Yet sadly, false gods are still used as the tools of subjugatio­n.

Many of us believe in God, but are not 100 per cent sure. That’s why it is called “faith” not knowledge.

Many people swear that what they believe is indisputab­le. That’s contradict­ion in terms. We call it belief or faith because we don’t know for sure.

It is like waiting. Waiting is unsettling because, though we hope whoever or whatever we are waiting for will come eventually, we are not 100 per cent sure. There is no such thing as “absolute certainty” in life. Everything in life is fluid and unpredicta­ble. No one knows everything. Any human who claims the possession of the knowledge of the eternal truth is a liar.

Religious fundamenta­lism has no base. No one has any right to exercise absolute power for ever. Neither can any human who demands absolute obedience.

Tadashi (Tad) Mitsui


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