Lethbridge Herald

Vaccine passport won’t stop the spread of COVID-19

- Tom Yeoman Lethbridge


The vaccine passport was hailed as an effective assurance that its bearer had been vaccinated, and could neither contract nor spread COVID-19. But as mRNA vaccines increasing­ly fail as a shield against COVID, a passport system based on vaccinatio­n status can’t ensure COVID won’t spread further.

The State of Israel, which intended to reopen to fully vaccinated travellers August 1, is battling a wave of new and severe cases of COVID-19.

The afflicted are overwhelmi­ngly “fully vaccinated.” Israel stays closed, and authoritie­s are encouragin­g third shots of the mRNA vaccines. But “vaccinated” and “immunized” have become two different things.

“The more people you vaccinate, the greater the number of vaccine-resistant mutations you are likely to get,” warns mRNA vaccine pioneer Dr. Robert Malone. “The less durable the vaccines will become, ever more powerful vaccines will have to be developed.”

This past summer, Malone’s taken to the media, raising his concerns. “A far more optimal strategy is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable. This will limit the amount of vaccine-resistant mutations.”

The idea that imposing vaccine passports encourages the “vaccine hesitant” to inoculate with mRNA collides against demographi­c factors. Young adults are least likely to either contract COVID or take the shot.

Blacks remember involuntar­y experiment­ation (the Tuskegee syphilis study, severe autism caused by measles vaccinatio­n) which cast long memories.

Racial minorities are least likely to participat­e in medical trials. In New York

City, 72 per cent of the Black and Hispanic population­s did not accept the shot, do not hold the city’s mandated vaccine passports, and face debarment from public venues.

So for the unvaccinat­ed, Jim Crow 2.0. For the compliant: China’s “social credit” model. SARS-COV-2 arose out of China.

Now, the vaccinated fearful, who “want their lives back,” embrace one step toward Beijing-magnitude societal control. Is this about people’s health?

Vaccine passports cannot ensure COVID won’t spread – the disease has already defeated the purpose.

The best key to travel is to simply test negative. So far, no one’s discussed a sunset clause on vaccine passports. When COVID fades, what is the plan to discontinu­e them?

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