Lethbridge Herald

Climate is in God’s hands

- Esther Hofer Lethbridge


I have read many Letters to the Editor with dire warnings from people who claim there is scientific proof that we humans need to stop putting CO2 into the atmosphere as we are going to destroy the world.

May I please add my take on that? When I went to public school, the best scientific minds put into our curriculum that an amoeba crawled out of the water millions and trillions of years ago and began dividing. This amoeba became a monkey which then evolved into a human.

Let me explain: This very intelligen­t amoeba decided it must become a monkey.

So it began dividing cells and dividing cells to make a brain so this monkey could operate. After a million years, a complete monkey brain had been developed.

The amoeba then decided this needed many more organs so that it could function properly. After another many billions of years, it had succeeded in creating the heart, liver, lungs, intestines, spleen, kidneys, et cetera.

Another many millions of years later, the amoeba succeeded in making a body and covering all these organs with skin.

The amoeba then created the blood vessels to supply food to all these cells and then it made blood to supply the food. Last of all, it was able to create a head and legs and bones for this monkey as well as fur to cover the skin so the monkey could face the elements it was living in by this time.

It is no wonder that anyone who believes this believes they can change the climate.

I believe in climate change, too. But I believe the author of climate is that great being which many of us know to be God. For others, it is the amoebas.

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