Lethbridge Herald

ROASTS AND TOASTS See Thursday’s Herald for more Roasts and Toasts, now running twice weekly


ROAST: To our UCP government for not helping our city out with the disastrous Lethbridge Exhibition Hub Building. Our tax raises will now be due to the UCP government just ignoring us. TOAST: Thanks to the person who found my son’s phone at Princess Auto and turned it in to the staff for safe-keeping. It was a very great relief for him to have it back. ROAST: To parents who don’t get routine immunizati­on for children, thus leading to spend of measles. Be responsibl­e, love your children enough to protect all our children. ROAST: To the idea of supplying drug addicts with drugs and a place to do them. It’s bad enough people who go to work every day and pay taxes have to shell out millions of dollars to support a bunch of people whose only goal in life is to beg, borrow or steal to get high and lay on the ground staring into space. ROAST: To those celebratin­g the anniversar­y of the illegal blockade - probably also went to see Tucker Carlson and his friend Danielle. ROAST: As a resident of Alberta I am asked by all levels of government to conserve water (a great idea), all the while these same agencies and private businesses implement outdoor skating rinks and make artificial snow for ski hills all using water. Ask yourself how many cubic metres are used in this process. This makes me wonder if our so-called experts feel that recreation is more important than hygiene. ROAST: To Service Canada Lethbridge and my recent visit there. Apparently the “simplified” passport renewal isn’t as simple as implied; there’s about 2.5 hours out of my life that I’ll never get back. But TOAST to the Security/Commission­aire agents working that day. Friendly and helpful. I observed them helping people on the computers, or in other ways. ROAST: To Brenda who works in day procedures in the hospital. She made a rather unpleasant procedure much easier with her gentle and relaxed way. She certainly made me more relaxed. She is a gem! TOAST: To the Alberta government for restoring AISH payments to a few days before the end of the month allowing AISH recipients to pay rent on time. ROAST: To the UCP who care more what pronoun someone under 16 wants to use, than why they want or need to use it. ROAST: To all who cheer on conversion to electric cars to achieve net zero emissions. Where is the valid science research predicting how much this most expensive cost to all Canadians will reduce manmade global warming? ROAST: To Community Services staff at City Hall who refuse to meet with people planning events because “I work from home.” Its not effective. We always used to be able to meet in person to understand details and now you want to send 100 emails instead. Where is the service that I pay for? ROAST: There is no climate emergency. It is a lie to divert our attention from what is really going on, and also to defraud us with a carbon tax. Global warming is a natural occurring cycle over thousands and millions of years. We cannot do anything to change that, nor does human activity do anything to influence it. ROAST: To the City of Lethbridge. I believe you were budgeted for snow removal, not snow moving. ROAST: To the male driver of the Volkswagen Jetta who does not know how to yield to other vehicles in a roundabout particular­ly the one near the college on Jan. 31. I had the right of way and you clearly had no intention of yielding to me so I had to brake in order to avoid a collision. ROAST: To the politician­s who have never had to deal with pain and hardship telling people living in excruciati­ng pain to suck it up. I wish you could live just one day with someone’s terminal illness pain. TOAST: To Alberta Seniors for giving me a good laugh. They informed me by letter that my Alberta Seniors Benefit is increased by $2 “to help with the cost of living.” Really? Thanks a lot! Now what can I buy with those $2 to help me survive? ROAST: To Danielle Smith for her changes to transgende­r policies. This is blatant discrimina­tion. TOAST: To the province for finally doing something about the drought but maybe if we had a government that still cared about the environmen­t, such actions wouldn’t be necessary. Time to stop coal mining, close the oilsands and start getting serious about renewable energy again! TOAST: To Al Beeber for his excellent and well-written article last week. TOAST: To Steffanie Costigan for her story on the importance of wetlands. The UCP needs to read this! ROAST: To the nonsense about a tourism training program. Promote the new Exhibition building as the biggest white elephant on the planet - that might draw some tourists here.

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