Lethbridge Herald

New City snow removal route policy doesn’t work



The City runs cutely named trifectas of snowplows to push snow/slush/ice into windrows (piles) along road curbs. They even provide foot-by-foot, turn-by-turn, online tracking of their movements.

Quite the show, this really entertains seniors watching their impending approach.

Then their passing inflicts blocked-off drives on these residences. Generously created on their tax dollar.

Upon reactivati­on, on-street parking often spreads the curbside windrows onto cleared sidewalks.

Participac­tion opportunit­y, shovel them again. About when those windrows aren’t under -30C conditions fresh and loose, but rather a packed snow/slush/ice blockage two feet plus high across drives.

Can such blockades, if left to settle and freeze, be reasonably be removed by hand if you aren’t into weightlift­ing? More get fit motivation.

Where will these compacted windrows blocking drives go, given a resident is able to move it?

The brain trust that promoted this must be thinking ever-compliant residents will chip-and-shovel that windrow into a wheelbarro­w, move it over their must-beshovelle­d sidewalk, onto their front yard on top of the snow already piled high there. Citizen of the year stuff.

Does council care if seniors and other physically limited residents are unable to move the windrow blockades without risking injury, or heart/stroke outcomes?

Are those snow route residents to incur the cost of private snow removal contractor­s to get drive egress/access? A not so hidden tax.

But hey, those folks have options. They can move.

If they are lucky, their jacked-up 4x4 with oversized mag wheels can plough over and through. Or plan A, pre-load the pantry/ freezer, cancel/rebook appointmen­ts, hunker down, opt for home deliveries, pray you have no emergency, and wait for a big chinook.

That would be the same chinook that appears to be the City’s plan A. Blowing hot air to absolve them of snow removal responsibi­lity.

As curbside windrows mount, they compact and freeze in roadside gutters that take melt water to roadside drains.

Might there be drainage problems? Remember, previously mid-road windrows weren’t packed in gutters and were trucked away.

I hope your residence isn’t contending with icy sidewalks from windrow melt or blocked drain flooding.

Bonus, it’s your obligation to keep those gutters and drains clear even as City snow route policy repeatedly loads them up with a half road’s worth of snow, slush and ice.

The City’s public response to complaints appears to be - that’s been decided - you should continuous­ly monitor us. You had your chance to oppose, live with it. Classic case study material.

The upside is business developmen­t private snow removal services, AMA towing, and auto repair shops get an unexpected boost.

I suggest council members and bureaucrat­s promoting this program be required to go to impacted residentia­l areas each heavy snow event post “route clearing” - to shovel several blocked driveways (seniors or impaired get priority).

With nowhere left to reasonably pile it, I bet they put windrow snow/slush/icepack back on the road if they can move it at all.

Perhaps hands-on experience with their policy impacts along with some sweat might generate a serious rethink - a return to mid-road windrows and removal of same when buildup justifies.

That would be the prior policy that showed considerat­ion for snow route residents and was poised to deal with unacceptab­le snow buildups the present policy fails to address. Barry Harper


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