Lethbridge Herald

ROASTS AND TOASTS See Tuesday’s Herald for more Roasts and Toasts, now running twice weekly


TOAST: I echo the thanks to Premier Danielle from many who have travelled the painful transgende­r road and are utterly sorry they made wrong decisions when they were young.To all who express hate, please listen to what she actually says and listen to those who now live with a mutilated body and wish they could turn the clock back!

TOAST: To the letter from Chuck Galambos in Feb 3/24 Herald on the carbon tax being an insult to Canadians. People just aren’t aware that there is GST being paid on the Tax. Tax on tax all going to Trudeau. Carbon tax in Alberta alone contribute­s $1.7 billion.

TOAST: To Premier Danielle Smith for her transgende­r policy. Thanks for protecting our children and parents rights.

ROAST: To Danielle Smith for her announceme­nt of planned restrictio­ns for our LGBTQ2S population and on our education system. Surely she should be focusing on other more pressing issues affecting all Albertans, such as healthcare deficienci­es, lack of affordable housing, cost of living and developmen­t of energy resources, rather than on issues affecting less than one per cent of our population. What next! Removal of books from libraries, perhaps!

ROAST: To Danielle Smith going down a very dangerous path of denying human rights. Are women’s rights next on your agenda, Danielle?

ROAST: To car washes remaining open during this potential drought crisis. Shame on both you and the drivers using them - on Jan. 31st I saw 11 cars lined up at a local car wash.

ROAST: Our freedom-loving premier wants to “support” non-binary youth by cancelling their personal privacy rights along with choices they now have. And she wants to impose her personal politics on medical decisions. Maybe this right-wing culture war just a way to distract us from issues the government should be talking about - for example, that 90 per cent of family physicians in Alberta are concerned about going bankrupt and 60 per cent have considered leaving their profession.

ROAST: To whoever is responsibl­e for the ridiculous decision to build an outdoor skating rink in the downtown area. First of all we live in an area where chinooks are common so the likelihood of a rink having any significan­t life span is low, secondly water is supposed to be scarce here, the cost of building and maintenanc­e is substantia­l, size is too small to be of much use. If the intent was to draw more business downtown someone is delusional.

ROAST: To the Galt Museum. I don’t mind the social justice things but youth mental health and other topics are covered by the mandate of other organizati­ons. No one else is doing history. Seems a duplicatio­n of services with our taxes.

TOAST: To the Premier for calling out the federal environmen­t for his biased and unreasonab­le policies and the continued punishing of the west.

TOAST: To the Our Opinion on Feb. 6 on downtown levies. If they clean up downtown, more businesses and people will come on their own.

TOAST: My heart breaks over the loss of my dear friend Fran Rude. The contributi­on she made to our city over so many decades can never be appreciate­d enough. Fran did so much for all of us who love and value the arts and she will be long remembered by everyone in the theatre community here.

ROAST: To the Lethbridge motorists who have not figured out what the purpose of their signal light level is for!

TOAST to the LPS for their excellent work in our crime-ridden city!

ROAST: To those who do not understand the role of carbon dioxide in climate change. Sure, carbon dioxide is essential to the planet and life. It keeps the planet warm and is essential for plant growth. But it is like water which is also essential for life in the right amounts and in the right place. Too much water can drown plants, cause floods etc. Not enough causes droughts. Same as carbon dioxide. Not enough and we freeze, too much and we cook. At the rate we are dumping it into the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels, the rate at which it is used up by plants is not enough to prevent it from accumulati­ng to dangerous levels.

TOAST: To Premier Danielle Smith for her transgende­r policy. Thanks for protecting our children and parents rights.

ROAST: To Danielle Smith for her announceme­nt of planned restrictio­ns for our LGBTQ2S population and on our education system. Surely she should be focussing on other more pressing issues affecting all Albertans, such as healthcare deficienci­es, lack of affordable housing, cost of living and developmen­t of energy resources, rather than on issues affecting less than one per cent of our population. What next! Removal of books from libraries, perhaps!

TOAST: to Lethbridge Herald - we need to appreciate our local media sources even more as Bell showed us with their recent announceme­nt of more major cuts in media across Canada.

TOAST: To Doug Cameron’s “Task force not needed to figure out the problem in the city.” As always, your articles are excellent and well written and I totally agree!

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