Lethbridge Herald

Downtown bike lanes a mistake the City needs to rectify



Cities are not easy to run. There are so many decisions to make that mistakes are inevitable. The bike lanes on 7th Street downtown are a prime example of a dangerous and costly mistake.

I’m sure the decision was made with good intent, especially when our city was sharing the initial cost with another level of government, but in this case the “free money” will likely prove to be very expensive.

It is realistic to believe there is a risk to pedestrian­s crossing those bike lanes to get from their parked vehicle to the sidewalk. It would be very naive to believe that everyone will look both ways every time they cross, or to think every bike rider will react in a microsecon­d to a person stepping into their path. The new electric bikes are fast, quiet and heavy.

There was little thought put into access for those using walkers or wheelchair­s. I witnessed an elderly gentleman park in front of the store he intended to shop at. After he realized he couldn’t lift his walker over the curb between his car and the bike lane, and after proudly refusing assistance, he realized his only option was to dangerousl­y walk 50 yards on the street behind the other parked vehicles to a gap in the curb. He wisely got back in his car and drove away. How often do you think he will come back to 7th Street to shop again?

The recent snowfall provided another glimpse into the lack of foresight by our city planners. Plowing the bike lanes left high snowdrifts on each side. That added a new daring adventure for everyone to attempt to climb those icy drifts between their car and bike lane, and then again between the lane and sidewalk.

Several did not make it without falling, of course, and the many calls to the City seemed to be treated as just another snow clearing complaint.

I realize the snow issue is not common here. If that was the only risk and cost to this project, I wouldn’t write this letter. These lanes between car and sidewalk are a danger to pedestrian­s year-round and maintenanc­e costs will be forever. They will not help the retail stores as all bicycle owners know they cannot leave their bicycles unattended in any city, locked or not as thieves have perfected the quick snip of the chains or tire removal. The only use of these lanes will be for the very few who ride a bike to work and have a secure place to store it and perhaps some leisurely riders passing through.

How many people will this expensive project really benefit?

I implore this council to bite the bullet, put up with the deserved criticism for the money carelessly spent and get rid of the bike lanes on 7th Street. You had good intentions but it was an error. You will be forgiven if you fix it. Expect some store closings and pedestrian lawsuits if you do not.

Lorne Armstrong


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