Lethbridge Herald

Fired scientists played down links to China, failed to protect informatio­n: documents

- Jim Bronskill

Two scientists at a high-security laboratory lost their jobs after reviews found they failed to protect sensitive assets and informatio­n and played down their collaborat­ions with Chinese government agencies, newly released records show.

The scientists, Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, were stripped of their security clearances over questions about their loyalty to Canada and the potential for coercion or exploitati­on by a foreign entity, the documents say.

More than 600 pages were made public Wednesday following a special all-party review of the records.

Opposition parties hoped the documents would shed light on why Qiu and Cheng were escorted out of Winnipeg’s National Microbiolo­gy Laboratory in July 2019 and subsequent­ly fired in January 2021.

They also wanted to see documents related to the transfer, overseen by Qiu, of deadly Ebola and Henipah viruses to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in March 2019.

Three former senior judges had the final say on public disclosure of the newly disclosed documents, which are partially redacted.

The records show the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service assessed that Qiu repeatedly lied about the extent of her work with institutio­ns of the Chinese government and refused to admit involvemen­t in various Chinese programs, even when evidence was presented to her.

CSIS concluded that despite being given every opportunit­y in her interviews to describe her associatio­n with Chinese entities, “Ms. Qiu continued to make blanket denials, feign ignorance or tell outright lies.”

A November 2020 Public Health Agency of Canada report on Qiu says investigat­ors “weighed the adverse informatio­n and are in agreement with the CSIS assessment.”

Investigat­ors concluded that Qiu’s loyalty “remains of grave concern” due to her direct contact with the entities linked to a foreign state.

A Public Health Agency report on Cheng’s activities says he allowed restricted visitors to work in laboratori­es unescorted and on at least two occasions did not prevent the unauthoriz­ed removal of laboratory materials.

The report also says Cheng was not forthcomin­g about his activities and collaborat­ions with people from government agencies “of another country, namely members of the People’s Republic of China.”

“Dr. Cheng’s actions reflect those of an individual who is careless with informatio­n and assets in his custody and not forthcomin­g and truthful when questioned about these communicat­ions.”

In a statement, Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre accused the Liberal government of allowing the Chinese government and its entities to infiltrate Canada’s top-level lab.

“This is a massive national security failure by Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government, which he fought tooth and nail to cover up.”

Health Minister Mark Holland acknowledg­ed the documents reveal a “lax adherence to security protocols.”

But Holland insisted that at no time did national secrets or informatio­n that threatened the security of Canada leave the lab.

“I think that there was an inadequate understand­ing of the threat of foreign interferen­ce,” he told reporters.

“I believe that an earnest effort was made to adhere to those policies, but not with the rigour that was required.”

 ?? CP FILE PHOTO ?? Newly released documents say the careers of two scientists at a high-security laboratory ended after security reviews found they failed to protect sensitive assets and informatio­n.
CP FILE PHOTO Newly released documents say the careers of two scientists at a high-security laboratory ended after security reviews found they failed to protect sensitive assets and informatio­n.

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