Lethbridge Herald

No magic – but there is Read On!

- Lil Radley is Literacy Services Coordinato­r, Read On Adult Literacy & Learning Program, Lethbridge Public Library Lil Radley

As you are reading this, please take a few minutes to think about the literacy skills that you have used today. Did you do any reading? Use numeracy skills to estimate costs? Use the computer to send your child’s teacher an email? At least 1 in 5 adult Albertans (48% of Canadians) are limited by their literacy levels and would struggle to do any of these tasks. For those whose literacy skills fall below a high school level, life can be a continual struggle. One’s ability to get a better job, or to engage in everyday life can be affected. There is no magic to change that, but for those who want to improve this situation, learning can start at Read On.

Adults living in Lethbridge, born in Canada or other countries, can come to the Read On Adult Literacy & Learning Program for learning assistance. Students bring welcome diversity; they may or may not be born in Canada, Canadian citizens or permanent residents, Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs), or refugees. From July 1/23 to Feb. 1/24, Read On welcomed 284 learners from Canada and 48 other countries.

Because potential adult learners face financial and other barriers, the cost for attending this program is modest and may be reduced or waived if it is a barrier. Bus tickets are provided for those facing transporta­tion barriers, and when possible, childmindi­ng can be provided for those who would like to participat­e in classes or tutoring. We strive to schedule learning opportunit­ies at a time during Lethbridge Public Library hours that work for each learner.

Read On supports learners to just below a Grade 10 or a Canadian Language Benchmark - CLB7 level. Adult learners can choose classes or one-on-one tutoring to improve reading, writing, numeracy, digital, or communicat­ion skills. Along with problem solving, collaborat­ion, adaptabili­ty, creativity and innovation, these are the skills for success that help individual­s keep learning, and when employed, keep evolving as their jobs change. Read On staff can help adults develop a learning plan to achieve their goals. Students with long range goals, who have progressed to a CLB 7 or just below a Grade 10 level are on their way, ready for their next step to achieving them-perhaps writing an entry exam for post-secondary learning, perhaps registerin­g for upgrading, or one of the many programs offered by local educationa­l institutio­ns.

If you, or anyone you know could benefit, please let them know about Read On. Adults are welcome to come to Read On staff about their learning needs. Read On is located at the Main Branch of the Lethbridge Public Library, 810 - 5th Avenue South.

For more informatio­n call 403-320-4701 to book an appointmen­t, or go to www.lethlib.ca/readon

It could be that Read On will be the “magic” for you!

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