Lethbridge Herald



ROAST: Why is everything always for the low income or the one per cent when the middle class are the ones who contribute the most in taxes to the government revenue stream? Affordabil­ity affects all.

TOAST: To the Lethbridge media for the extensive coverage of the non-profit sector. ROAST: The trouble with having an ex-policeman on city council is that they see everyone as a criminal and every behaviour as “lawlessnes­s.” What if instead they were to see everyone as a person, and looked for ways to treat them with compassion and dignity?

TOAST: To the new slogan: Protect private food.

TOAST: To the Lethbridge Photograph­y Club and their Photofusio­n 2024 show featuring the local photograph­y talents of their members. It was amazing to see the quality of creativity these photograph­ers have. Thank you to CASA for making these events possible and supporting the arts in our City.

ROAST: To the writer suggesting Shannon Phillips run for the leadership of the NDP. She can’t even keep her constituen­cy office open even though she gets generous taxpayer dollars to have an office.

ROAST: To the individual taxpayer who fully understand­s that when people go to government­s for hand-outs that this money actually comes out of their own pockets. And a ROAST to those of you who are unable to manage your funds mostly due to mismanagem­ent be it a fundraiser, a businesses or whatever. As a taxpayer we cannot afford you. As a government it’s time to say “no” or at least do the research first.

ROAST: If a high school basketball player starts on the varsity team, they should not be on the JV team. That should be common sense, but doesn’t seem to be these days.

TOAST: To Daylight Saving Time. So nice to have some extra sunlight. Let’s have it all year long.

ROAST: To the EV tax. Why should I be penalized when my vehicle is not polluting the environmen­t with its emissions? This makes no sense.

ROAST: To the provincial budget. So little in it for anyone really. It’s another example of why we need the NDP in power.

TOAST: To Lethbridge Housing. They do a great job and are going to really help the homeless situation with their new building.

ROAST: To TSN for blacking out Leaf games of all things. It’s not like we can drive to the rink and buy a ticket. What’s that about? TOAST: Rajko Dodic understand­s the frustratio­n we have with those bike lanes. Glad to see somebody in City Hall gets it. Get rid of them and make the drug dealers ride their bikes on the road like everyone else. ROAST to the few who think this is such a great plan. Do you actually shop downtown or are you just trying to make yourselves feel good by being unrealisti­c when most of the pollution we know is coming from other countries?

TOAST: Great story by Alejandra Pulido-Guzman on that boy’s LEGO project. With all the bad news going on, it’s nice to see something more positive. We need a break from all the bad. TOAST: To the March 5 roast “To you who say you’re proud to be Canadian. Nothing to be proud of if you’re transgende­r or another visible minority who struggles to get acceptance on this land that was stolen from its original inhabitant­s.” I 100 per cent agree. Our comforts are from abuse and dishonesty, 1867 to today. Yet people defend freedom for all. They only support freedom for things that they like. I don’t like your loud truck, but you are free to have it. I don’t care, and I don’t complain. So in the same way, let people be.

ROAST: To delaying climate policies from 2035 to 2050 etc. All it does is delay actions from starting. Nothing happens. Then 10 years before 2050, they’ll want 2075. Meanwhile – climate change isn’t stopping and we see every year it’s getting worse. Deadlines work. We need to start. Not ready for EV’s yet? Then do something – now. Start now.

TOAST: To changing clocks. How else would I remember to check our smoke detectors? ROAST: To schools that still allow coaches to humiliate, be verbally abusive and can’t keep their hands to themselves. There’s no reason for a head coach to swear at players or refs. If you can’t control yourself to not do that you shouldn’t be coaching.

TOAST: To the UCP for ensuring that the debt created by the NDP does not happen again. Affordabil­ity is of great concern and staying on budget is the right thing to do. We all want more for less or for no cost but common sense must prevail. Perhaps this will rub off on our city council and mayor as well.

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