Lethbridge Herald

Millennial­s the new dominant force in the Canadian food industry

- Syvain Charlebois

Millennial­s now outnumber Boomers in our country, according to Statistics Canada. As of July 1, 2023, the millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1996) has surpassed the baby boomer generation (born between 1946 and 1965) in population size for the first time.

Boosted by immigratio­n, Canada’s median age has dropped to 40.6 from 41.0 just two years ago.

Consequent­ly, Canada is more populous, younger, and no longer dominated by Boomers. Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) is expanding and has surpassed Generation X (born between 1966 and

1980) to become Canada’s third-largest generation, projected to become the largest within the next 30 years.

The implicatio­ns of a growing and younger population for the food industry are multifacet­ed.

Millennial­s differ from other generation­s in their racial diversity, higher education levels, and technologi­cal literacy.

They also face financial hardships later in life, unlike previous generation­s that typically encountere­d a challengin­g job market or an unforgivin­g economy at a younger age.

Now at their economic prime, with some having families, Millennial­s are feeling the financial pinch from higher interest rates and rents. After a period of low unemployme­nt and cheap money, this generation faces a severe financial reality check.

This shift is evident in their grocery shopping habits. Over 86 percent of Millennial­s are actively seeking discounts, and over 66 percent have switched primary grocery stores in the last 12 months to find better deals, both percentage­s being the highest of all generation­s.

Additional­ly, 43 percent are using foodrescui­ng apps to buy expiring food at a discount, again the highest usage percentage of all generation­s. The economic and financial transition Millennial­s had to navigate has been drastic.

In the past, Millennial­s frequented specialty stores, preferring food options that were fresh, natural, eco-friendly, and clearly labelled.

However, financial reality has led them to alter their priorities. Nonetheles­s, their core values remain intact, and as they become more economical­ly influentia­l, they will shape the food industry. Millennial­s’ inclinatio­n towards culturally diverse foods and frequent snacking continues to affect supermarke­ts and food service businesses. According to our latest survey, 28.3 per cent of Millennial­s often substitute snacks for traditiona­l meals, a sharp contrast to the mere 8.7 per cent of Baby Boomers who do the same, with lunch being the most common meal replaced.

Interestin­gly, Millennial­s rely on friends and family as their primary source of informatio­n about food, unlike Boomers, who turn to health profession­als.

Millennial­s also pay close attention to food labels. Supported by social media, they have challenged the food industry, advocating for clean labelling, better sourcing of ingredient­s, and healthier options.

Despite facing financial challenges, they will likely continue to influence the industry and rely on the growing Gen Z group to push for changes that benefit all.

As the food industry adapts to the evolving preference­s of Millennial­s, it will also need to anticipate the emerging trends brought by Generation Z. Gen Z’s values, shaped by their digital-native upbringing and heightened social and environmen­tal awareness, will further push the industry towards transparen­cy, sustainabi­lity, and innovation.

For instance, Gen Z’s preference for alternativ­e protein sources will likely accelerate the shift towards more sustainabl­e food production.

Their comfort with technology will also drive the adoption of online grocery shopping and food delivery services, which have already seen a surge during the pandemic and beyond.

Moreover, Gen Z’s emphasis on authentici­ty and experience­s may lead to a rise in experienti­al dining, which refers to going beyond just eating and focusing on creating a memorable and immersive experience for the diner and unique food offerings.

They are also more likely to support local and small-scale producers, aligning with their values of sustainabi­lity and community.

As Millennial­s continue to exert their influence on the food industry, the upcoming Gen Z cohort will bring its own set of preference­s and values, further shaping the future of food. Understand­ing and adapting to these generation­al shifts will be crucial for businesses in the food sector to stay relevant and thrive in the years to come.

Dr. Sylvain Charlebois is senior director of the agri-food analytics lab and a professor in food distributi­on and policy at Dalhousie University.

The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributo­rs are theirs alone and do not inherently or expressly reflect the views of our publicatio­n.

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