Lethbridge Herald



TOAST: To Titanic LEGO guy. Amazing! Also to the Herald for carrying that story, and on the front page. Great way to start the day and we’d all welcome more local positive stories on page 1. Build it and they’ll come! Thanks all.

TOAST: To Lethbridge Animal Services and Officer Tullison for responding so quickly on March 10 when a little dog without ID was running on and off the busy road toward Pavan Park on 13 St. near the park/ Uplands entrance. And also to the lady in the truck who was able to follow the dog more quickly than I could with my own dog on foot when the pup sped off down the middle of the road back the direction I’d come from with her originally. And to the thorough and clear and concise answering message on the Animal Services telephone line which was very helpful.

TOAST: To the lady who at one point led the dog away from the busy road and called her husband to come get the young dog to take her to the city shelter.

ROAST: To Trudeau. He has sent $100 million of taxpayer’s money in aid to Gaza since the war began, Oct 7. No more to foreign countries until Canadians are taken care of.

ROAST: To people who think someone can just go to the corner store and get a gender change over the weekend. There’s so much involved. Maybe improve the system where needed, but not by these horrible policies – it’s all so backward.

ROAST: $30,000 a day to operate and a daily revenue of $12,000. 0uch! Talk about living beyond our means.

ROAST: To the federal government for reinstatin­g aid to Gaza, while ir may seem cruel to hold back aid let their fellow muslims supply it from their massive accumulate­d wealth. There is no way that other than children the citizens of Gaza didn’t know about and support Hamas in their murderous endeavours.

ROAST: To the entertaine­r who was a three-time no-show at the seniors centre. I understand that these people aren’t paid to entertain us but if you can’t meet your obligation­s then don’t volunteer!

TOAST: To our yard manager for the wonderful job(s) you do! Sometimes we may criticize; sometimes we let you know we think you have silly ideas (which you have to admit is true), but one thing is for certain: If an Eagle could only look down at the place, he would see how good it looks!

ROAST: I was alarmed to see all the money obtained from drug profits in the Lethbridge Herald. It would have been so much smarter to have left out that photo. It horrified me.

ROAST: I was reading a March 12 National Post article stating “Ottawa now spends about $4 billion a month just on interest charges.” That’s a capital “B” per month! Come on Canada…you need to get your financial house in order.

TOAST: To Barney Feenstra for his letter to the editor outlining some issues with respect to the new Exhibition building. Barney tried his best to get some financial informatio­n taxpayers have a right to know. All levels of government are experts in taking our money but have no interest in telling us what they really do with it. These same levels of government are expert at taking more and more of our money because they have no accountabi­lity for it.

ROAST: Letter writers Scott and Penny Warris failed to point out if I use my bicycle to shop downtown, how do I bring home a purchase of a T.V., wedding dress or dinner for six? It defeats the purpose if I have to shop using my bicycle than return with my vehicle to pick up the item. Easy to buy a book at their store and put it in a backpack but then someone on a bicycle and a back pack is usually labelled as being a drug dealer. I think I’ll continue to shop downtown using my car/ truck.

ROAST: Hey, City of Lethbridge. While you’re removing the bike lanes downtown, how about also restoring 7 Ave. S. and all the side streets as well. Let’s save the city al ot more money for not having constant repairs on those side streets. And I’m sure the fire trucks and EMS will be ever thankful. Listen to complaints.

TOAST: To the Lethbridge Photograph­y Club for hosting their annual Photofusio­n event. Amazing shows by some very talented photograph­ers were played over the two evenings. It’s great to have such quality events that is no cost to the public to attend.

TOAST: To councillor Dodic calling out the social media comments attacking him. If name calling is the best they can do it says more about them than it says about him.

ROAST: To the UCP terminatin­g the Lethbridge Elder Abuse Response Network. This has caught a number of people off guard in our city and probably will leave a lot of suffering in its wake. This amount of funding this local program received was $110,000 per year. Where are our priorities, and where is our compassion?

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