Lethbridge Herald

Danielle Smith trying to stop Ottawa from helping Albertans



It’s obvious that Take Back Alberta is aimed at destroying everything the Conservati­ves created for the good of the people.

A perfect example is Energy Minister Brian Jean carrying on where Sonya Savage left off deliberate­ly destroying the protection Peter Lougheed put on our mountains to protect our water supply from pollution due to coal mining

While Jason Kenney was feeding us the lie that coal mining was being done safely on the B.C. side of the mountains, Coal Teck was being fined $60 million under the federal fisheries act for polluting rivers and streams in B.C. and Montana.

Corb Lund is a hero for trying to stop it and he needs our support.

If it is bad enough that Ralph Klein, using Reform Party policies, destroyed Lougheed’s oil royalties and corporate tax structures putting Alberta in financial ruin. Now these Reformers, under the UCP government ,are creating a worse mess while Alaskans and Norwegians are continuing to reap the benefits of their oil wealth.

To replace the billions Klein was giving away he forced privatizat­ion and deregulati­on down our throats. Albertans are now paying the price of his actions.

If these Reformers were true conservati­ves like they pretend to be, why would they deliberate­ly destroy what previous Conservati­ve government­s have created? Especially when it was such a huge benefit to the people and our children’s future?

Then there is Pierre Poilievre who help Stephen Harper put Canada in a finance mess and tried to destroy our public healthcare system .

Pretending he is a conservati­ve he is promising to destroy the carbon tax created by Conservati­ves and the CBC along with 7,960 jobs, once again created by Conservati­ves.

The former conservati­ve MLAs that I got to know where right. Reformers don’t create jobs they destroy them and they are the worse enemy that conservati­ves could have. Destroying everything they worked so hard to create for the good of the people and that’s exactly what they are doing.

Danielle Smith spreads the lie that Ottawa is stealing all our money to hide the fact that it’s the Reformers who are doing it. Ottawa has poured around $30 billion into the province to help us through the COVID pandemic and the oil industry crash of 2014, and she doesn’t like being made a fool of, does she?

Trying to stop Ottawa from helping our municipali­ties survive when she has no intention of doing so is too embarrassi­ng for her to face, isn’t it? Alan K. Spiller


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