Lethbridge Herald



ROAST: To all the hype and coverage being given to renters and the problems they have. Why is no mentioning the countless problems landlords have with renters who either fail to pay or are late in doing so? Also what about the damage that is often done to the unit that exceeds the damage deposit or the inordinate amount of time and red tape required to evict someone?

ROAST: To the return of the domestic terrorist protesters. Hijacking our public infrastruc­ture to protest fuel taxes seems hollow when you seem to have such an abundance of idle heavy equipment and free time. If you want to carry on about your freedom, do it directly rather than taking it from others.

ROAST: To the Lethbridge Herald for printing the unbelievab­ly ignorant roast implying that the current holocaust and genocide in Gaza is nothing but “inconvenie­nce.” The murder, maiming, starvation and destructio­n in Gaza is beyond any evil the world has ever seen. The Lethbridge Herald and other media who do not provide coverage of the current holocaust in Gaza have played a role in this person’s ignorance.

TOAST: To the RCMP for keeping the anarchists off the highways this time to keep us safe from their dangerous demonstrat­ions.

ROAST: To the federal government. Your big housing money giveaway is good for the developers, the builders, and their investment buddies, only. They know that they will never run out of tenants.

ROAST: To Ottawa for pushing four-plexes onto municipali­ties. High density housing may be suitable for massive cities but to force it upon every jurisdicti­on as a term of getting money is not fair.

TOAST: To anyone who thinks more groups should be allowed to have crosswalks painted to celebrate their missions and objectives. More colours on sidewalks would look great!

TOAST: To the police for cracking down on crime downtown and a ROAST to those who dismiss the concerns residents have for safety there. Do you ever go downtown?

ROAST: To the AUPE for complainin­g about every decision the government makes. Maybe they’re just more concerned about saving lives of Albertans than protecting your union jobs.

TOAST: To inclusion. We need more of it and for all, not just some.

ROAST: To the report on the Enmax Centre. I think the seats are a lot better than they were before. But if it’s going to be replaced, put it next the new Agri-Food Hub. Get rid of the horse races and grandstand plus the old pavilions and use all the extra space for parking. And get the province to pay for it all!

ROAST: Trying to drive and park downtown is a gong show now with the bike lanes and narrow lanes for vehicles. But both bicycle riders are happy.

ROAST: Painted crosswalks make our city look trashy, so please say no to anyone wishing to use our crosswalks as a billboard. This along with all the bicycle signs in our downtown make for distracted driving.

ROAST: To everyone who uses the terms “settlers” and “colonizers.” We are Canadians.

ROAST: To the protester with the sign stating “Freedom is God Given Not Government Supplied.” How convenient that she believes in speed limits, seatbelts and fire extinguish­ers in businesses, but doesn’t like it when government issues restrictio­ns to save people’s lives because she doesn’t want to get vaccinated.

TOAST: To the CPKC railway for designing and testing three locomotive­s that are powered by hydrogen. They may become operationa­l in the fall and they create 80 per cent less emissions than traditiona­l fuels. Shipping products by rail is much more environmen­tally friendly than trucks as it is, this will be even better. Bonus effect: hydrogen locomotive­s are a lot quieter.

TOAST: To all those who recycle. There is no question about the danger of climate change and although we can debate whether something like the carbon tax is effective (even though 80 per cent of Canadians get their money back) we can all make a contributi­on by filling up the green and blue bins, buying used products that are already made (avoids packaging) and simply driving less.

TOAST: To all churches and people who choose to focus on Christ’s greatest commandmen­t: “Love the Lord….and the second…love your neighbor as yourself”, and to live Paul’s instructio­n in Romans 14:10, concerning not passing judgement on others.

TOAST: To the UCP for making an investment in rural medicine to get family doctors where they are needed as much as they are in the cities. And ROAST to the NDP’s so-called critics for demeaning such an important and valuable investment. Anything to complain.

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