Lethbridge Herald



TOAST: To councillor Nick Paladino for always responding and helping a volunteer to continue performing volunteer work.

ROAST: To the TV networks who continuall­y show footage of B.C. coal operations when airing anything regarding the coal industry in Alberta. Although not pristine, why not show some of the many successful reclamatio­n projects that exist around the province on what were once coal mining operations. Just another example of biased coverage which runs rampant with today’s media.

TOAST: To Clean Sweep for all the mess they continue to clean up and for all the snow they shovelled on the corners downtown. Toast to D.O.T. for the great work they do.

TOAST: To LPS/Fire/EMS for the endless work of dealing with the addiction-related issues. All of you never get the praise you all deserve! Thank you all, you are all appreciate­d!

ROAST: To the Smith government, the doctors and surgeons for using Alberta patients’ health as a tool to fight over political policies. People are dying.

ROAST: To Trudeau’s budget. Spend, spend, spend. Our grandkids will be permanentl­y in debt.

TOAST: To the federal government for raising the taxes on cigarettes. But it should be higher because of the horrible burden on the health system caused by smoking related illnesses. Taxes should be increased on cannabis products, too.

ROAST: To the Trudeau government for more spending and more taxes.

TOAST: To David B. Carpenter for his continued diligence on the idea of an Alberta Pension Plan. Your insights and analysis of the issue are much appreciate­d.

ROAST: To the people who think it’s OK to have party politics involved in municipal elections. Our issues here and in Taber or Wetaskiwin or anywhere are specific to us and we shouldn’t have to have policies dictated around the ideology of the UCP or anybody else. Stay out of it,


TOAST: To Wally who has come to my rescue at night at the seniors residence where I am now living. From his second floor window, he has observed my struggles loading my purchases onto my walker. Such kindness is more than appreciate­d.

ROAST: To all those who don’t vote but want the benefits they don’t deserve. Do your part and get out to vote otherwise you’ll get the government you do deserve and the rest of us will have to suffer.

ROAST: To the drama teacher acting as Prime Minister and his cohort, the Greenpeace activist environmen­t minister for lying to us about working for Canadians. We still have the carbon tax and the CBC has not been defunded. With the blessing of the NDP they can do whatever.

TOAST: To our former mayor David Carpenter for providing his valuable insights on the efforts of Danielle Smith to take control of our pension money. I don’t want an Alberta pension plan, I want to keep the one I have. Hands off, Smith.

ROAST: To the federal budget. More handouts to keep the unemployed and the freeloader­s relying on us who actually work to pay their way. Drop the carbon tax so we taxpayers can get some relief for a change! You don’t see us taking big fancy holidays.

TOAST: To the end of the

Coutts trial. I’m sicking of seeing and reading about it. Everyone needs to move on and let it go. The protesters made their point and so did the prosecutor­s. Goodbye.

ROAST: To the Alberta government for its dealings on coal mining in the Rockies. You wonder why we don’t trust you?

ROAST: Maybe there should be some co-ordinating before we see three ‘special’ weeks being celebrated at the same time. There are 52 weeks in a year, people. Spread things out a bit. How about we have a Fed up Taxpayer week and give us working stiffs some acknowledg­ement for a change?

TOAST: To Leonard Binning and his family for making movies affordable to us for so many years. You shook up the movie business and we appreciate not only your great prices, and popcorn, but also the variety. In a time when families can barely afford to go out anymore, you’ve made it possible for us to see a film on the big screen where they should be seen!

ROAST: To cable companies for the horrible prices you charge just so a person can watch a few movies and many of them aren’t even that good.

ROAST: To the oil companies and goverment for robbing us at the gas pumps. Do any of you actually have a conscience?

ROAST: To city drivers. Some of you go so slow, you make it unsafe for others. At least speeders aren’t in the way all the time. Follow the limit, not go 10 km under it!

ROAST: To all the complainer­s about the new Exhibition building. I’ve been in there a few times and it’s so much nicer than the old one. The naysayers are going to be eating crow when this thing takes off. Sure, parking is lousy but get rid of those old pavilions and things will be way better.

TOAST: To Salt Lake City getting a new NHL team. Can’t wait to see games when visiting family. Enough dumb jokes about the new uniforms, though. They’re really insulting.

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