Lethbridge Herald



ROAST: To Al Beeber in regard to his comments on the supremacy and existence of God. Mr Beeber, just as you couldn’t deny the comfort your dogs are to you, I cannot deny the comfort of my God, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, my Saviour.

TOAST: To the two ladies who came to my rescue when a huge chinook gust picked me up as I was getting out of my car at the south Safeway parking lot on Wednesday. Despite their fight against the wind and my bleeding head, they struggled to get me to the doors of the store where staff had a chair waiting for me. Also, kudos to the ambulance and emergency room staff for their excellent care. ROAST: To Palestinia­ns who continue to support Hamas. The terrorist organizati­on started the war and has promised to continue. War could be over tomorrow if support was stopped. Muslims call themselves a religion of peace. Put this into action. ROAST: To businesses and others who put up fencing to deter the unhoused from stepping near your precious stolen land. We should be helping these people, instead of making our city look like some American city from the 1970s. ROAST: To the City for not ticketing people who ignore the No Parking Street Sweeping signs. There were at least 20 vehicles parked on the street in my Kodiak neighbourh­ood. TOAST: To Kris Sims on a good article about the CBC. Yes, it is time to defund all of the big pensions! ROAST: There your political cartoonist goes again. This time about the trumped up cases against Trump. He must be ignorant about American politics. The Democratic party has gone so far to the left that they are doing everything they can to keep the people from voting for the other party. Talk about hate speech! TOAST: To those people and agencies who are trying to save the young whale on Vancouver island. It does, however, bring a few ironies to light.If this had happened 100 years ago I am sure the ancestors of the Indigenous people involved would have long since killed and eaten it. The environmen­talists who decry anything to do with logging have been silent on the fact that the existence of a logging road into the area is the only thing making this possible. ROAST: A few days ago we received an unsolicite­d glossy print magazine entitled Alberta Views in our mail box. After finally getting around to reading it I concluded that it should have been better named as the left wing, NDP biased piece of dribble it is. It is loaded with half truths and cherry picked items or quotes taken out of context. I for one will not be supporting any advertiser­s in it and should another copy make it into my mailbox.

TOAST: To the very best dining experience in all of Alberta at the Garden Court located at our local Lethbridge College. Chef Stephen leads the cooking students to the ultimate in presentati­on and perfect taste. Check their website for the next opportunit­y. It may not be until the fall when the students begin again. ROAST: To the carbon tax and the federal Liberal government. If Steven Guilbeault and Justin Trudeau are so proud of the carbon tax and the rebate, then they have an obligation to have businesses/retailers show the carbon tax on all receipts. For the consumer to actually see the hidden carbon tax cost, for example at the gas pumps, we have the right to see what that actual cost is on all receipts. Based on our last home heating bill, the carbon tax was $33.70 for just a small portion of April when our thermostat was low.

ROAST: What’s up with all these young men and all their stupid locker room hazing? I wasn’t there, but listening to it on the news,I get the idea. How do they think no one is going to find out about this? If this would have happened in my days of high school,s omeone would have probably left that locker room with a shiner. ROAST: I don’t think we should have to think about rationing water when so many big industries and other communitie­s use our water. If we do, then charge us less on our monthly bills and the other places more. ROAST: Pray for Mr. Beeber in hopes he sees the light before it’s too late. The holy Bible is the only word of truth in this world because it’s God’s word. Shame!

ROAST: When I look at my cable bill and see how many announcers TSN has working the same show, it sure makes me wonder what I’m paying for. Who are these experts and why do we have to suffer through their endless talking? We want to watch the highlights and there have to be more than what we get between commercial­s!

ROAST: To Trudeau and the groceries stores for the stupidly high prices we have to pay for everything now in this country. How can this keep going on? Our wages aren’t getting any higher but our taxes and our grocery bills along with everything else like rent and mortgages does. When does it ever end? See Tuesday’s Herald for more Roasts and Toasts, now running twice weekly

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