Lethbridge Herald



TOAST: To the magnificen­t southern Alberta winds for removing all the garbage left everywhere and anywhere and for skimming off the overflowin­g constructi­on bins. Out of sight out of mind!

ROAST: This city could use cameras on Whoop-Up Drive to monitor speedsters and those who cut other drivers off without using their signal lights. The way some people drive is dangerous and they should not have their licence.

ROAST: To the UCP. We the people told you we don’t want coal mining in the mountains but you continue to pursue that anyway. We the people told you we don’t want an Alberta Pension Plan but you continue to pursue that anyway. We the people told you we don’t want a provincial police force but you continue to pursue that anyway. Too bad the election is so far away. TOAST: to Volunteer Lethbridge for putting on a free movie along with pop and popcorn for Volunteer Appreciati­on Week. What a treat! ROAST: Premier Smith and Minister Neudorf addressing massive increases to utility bills by renaming the variable rate and taking a few bucks off municipal fees is beyond laughable. Reigning in the stunning price gouging by generators would be a great start but of course Minister Neudorf announced that they would not be affected. Maybe this UCP government should rename themselves the Party of Last Resort.

ROAST: To Canada’s newest Olympic uniforms. Am I the only one who thinks they look blood splattered?

ROAST: I was shocked to read golf courses aren’t under jurisdicti­on of the City even though they operate here. It’s a travesty the rest of us may have to restrict watering our gardens when businesses get to cater to their customers just so they can play a game.

ROAST: To the writer of the letter about Beeber’s religion column. I have no clue what you were trying to get at. But you validated his opinion that arguing over religion is pointless.

TOAST: To the green bins. Glad to see my fellow Lethbridge­ites are using them like we do. These are the best things. And can’t wait to use it more with summer here.

ROAST: To the Community Conversati­ons. Why does the City even bother collecting input from residents when it seems they don’t listen? Quit the feel-good stuff and do something constructi­ve with our money. ROAST: To the Liberal/NDP government and their thieving capital gains tax. They sure wouldn’t vote it in if it took two thirds of their pension. ROAST: To the slanted article regarding First Nations patients more likely to leave ER without getting care. ROAST: to Danielle Smith for appointing yet another one of her cronies to yet another one of her panels to find exactly the conclusion she wants them to find.

TOAST: To Gil McGowan. Finally an NDP candidate who respects us workers and the value of the oil and gas industry. That’s who the party should be about - the working class - not a bunch of elitist university professors and their kind who don’t know the struggles the rest of us have to go through.

ROAST: I didn’t read Al Beeber’s column he is being roasted for, but I do like the man. Maybe instead of thumping him and others on the head with the bible, explain your faith in a way people can respond to. The Judeo-Christian laws have been the single unifying force for stable societies whenever it was implemente­d over history, although certainly not faultless, as various Indigenous and others will testify! If people want to know why we are in the mess we are in, read Deuteronom­y 28 on blessings and curses. Then everything will begin to make sense.

ROAST: To gas stations in Lethbridge and Coaldale for their high prices on gas. Taber and Brooks are 151.9 and you are at least 10cents more expensive.

ROAST: To Justin Trudeau and his entourage. Every time he gets behind a microphone 10-15 of his cabinet members are there to back him up. Is he afraid to go it alone? Does he need the support from them to give him the courage to try and persuade us Canadians that he knows what he is doing?

ROAST: To Danielle Smith for overreachi­ng into municipal politics. We want independen­t candidates, not UCP members on council!

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