Lethbridge Herald



ROAST: To the bike lanes. Why is it when there is a designated, cement curbed, bike lane behind a row of parking, my speed is reduced to 40 km-h? The person using the bike lane had to come from 3rd or 6th Ave. where the speed limit is 50 with no barrier. Possibly from Mayor Magrath Drive with cars going 60 in a free-for-all. Makes no sense. Put the speed limit back to 50 and quit impeding my progress.

ROAST: Danielle Smith is in fighting form whenever she gets a whiff of “over-reach” from the feds but when it comes to the province monkeying in municipal affairs, or becoming the self-appointed gatekeeper­s for research grants to universiti­es and colleges, it’s all good, isn’t it? Danielle should take her own advice and stay in her lane!

TOAST: To Stuart Skinner of the Edmonton Oilers for carrying the Oilers through game 4 with the LA Kings.

ROAST: To me for missing an opportunit­y on Friday April 27 to further a conversati­on with a fellow I was talking to in my backyard when he mentioned that another man “did not like that” in regards to a letter I wrote in the Lethbridge Herald a few years ago. I should have mentioned that I got “that” from a co-worker who was from the GTA and also that I should have thought the letter through as I certainly never meant any malice although it looked that way.

ROAST: To the UCP. Champions of ill-conceived, unpopular and unwelcome legislatio­n. They must stay up nights dreaming up bills to shaft the public!

ROAST: To the person who roasted businesses for putting fences around their property on so-called ‘stolen’ land, and thinks the homeless should be allowed to help themselves to their hard-earned goods and property.

TOAST: To Dave Sulz for his letter to the editor April 27 regarding the Canadian Press story on ivermectin. “News agencies seeking to be objective should make sure bias does not make it’s way into news stories.”

ROAST: Trudeau states that 80 per cent of people that have paid the carbon tax will get the carbon tax back. This just does not make sense, then why charge the people the carbon tax in the first place just to give it back. The cost of implementi­ng the carbon tax scheme is costing Canadian taxpayers millions of dollars. Another nonsensica­l scheme of Trudeau’s government.

ROAST: To the NDP criticizin­g our present provincial government at the NDP Lethbridge leadership rally. What is most confusing is why is Alberta presently attracting 550 people per day to this province if our present provincial government was so terrible?

ROAST: To Danielle Smith and the UCP for trying to put us in the Orwellian future sooner rather than later.

ROAST: To the Roaster from last week who thinks the charges against Donald Trump are “trumped up.” Trump is a danger to the idea of democracy, and that spreads out past the borders of the USA. He is only running so that if he wins he can get all the cases against him dropped.

ROAST: To Premier Smith for Bill 18. Having her and her political friends review every single federal grant for municipali­ties, charity organizati­ons and post secondary institutio­ns gives her too much power.

ROAST: To Premier Smith for wanting to have political parties involved in municipal politics. We have enough arguments already without forming battle lines over sewage and garbage disposal issues.

ROAST: To Danielle Smith. You are the ultimate control freak. Bill 20 is an overreach of your authority and shows a total lack of respect for Albertans.

TOAST: I attended the Lethbridge NDP debate assuming who would be the strongest contestant. That candidate, in my opinion, was middle of the pack. Gil McGowan may not be as polished as the other candidates; he may be the “diamond in the rough”; he will now be on my radar as the NDP leadership race heats up.

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