Lethbridge Herald

Eco-extremism in Canada is becoming a growing threat

- Joseph Quesnel

In March, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy released a major study examining a rising problem of eco-extremism in Canada over the last decade. The height of this extremism was a terror attack against a Coastal GasLink pipeline project worksite in February 2022.

During this attack, about 20 assailants wearing masks and wielding axes and flares descended on the worksite, intimidati­ng security and pipeline workers and causing millions of dollars in damage.

The RCMP traced the terror attacks to outside anarchists radicalize­d by extreme “decoloniza­tion” rhetoric and alarmist climate change beliefs that led to the attacks on fossil fuel infrastruc­ture.

Canada has already witnessed extremist organizati­ons like Extinction Rebellion and others ratchet up increasing­ly extreme tactics over the last few years. In 2023, a protester defaced artwork at the National Gallery, justifying it as civil disobedien­ce to gain media attention.

Protesters aligned with the far-left have long embraced what they call a ‘diversity of tactics,’ including vandalism, intimidati­on, and other forms of property destructio­n.

At the core of this issue is the transforma­tion of so-called civil disobedien­ce into extreme acts that intimidate for political ends, potentiall­y endangerin­g lives. Such actions are deemed terrorism under Canada’s Criminal Code. No matter how justified you feel about your cause, you are not justified in intimidati­ng the public and endangerin­g someone’s safety.

In Great Britain and other Western European nations, extremist groups have escalated from civil disobedien­ce to actions bordering on terrorism. Just Stop Oil, formed in 2022 to protest UK fossil fuel infrastruc­ture, has been wreaking havoc in Great Britain by disrupting traffic with road blockades.

There’s no need to explain that this tactic poses significan­t dangers, including disrupting traffic, obstructin­g emergency vehicles, escalating tensions and provoking physical confrontat­ions with drivers, many of whom have urgent needs, including medical emergencie­s.

In October 2022, two British women died from injuries sustained in traffic accidents that were directly related to a Just Stop Oil stunt that dangerousl­y rerouted traffic in busy London.

In response, the British government began to press criminal charges against activists engaged in some of the more dangerous activities. Most importantl­y, authoritie­s started taking eco-extremists seriously. Groups like Extinction Rebellion were categorize­d as extremist organizati­ons. Moreover, authoritie­s began treating eco-extremist groups similarly to Islamist groups so that the public could report to prevent further radicaliza­tion.

In my research for the Frontier Centre on eco-extremism, I found that security agencies like the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service (CSIS) and Public Safety Canada were disproport­ionately focused on rightwing extremism. Instead of acknowledg­ing that climate change zealotry was fueling radicaliza­tion within Canada, they perceived climate change “denialism” as more of a threat.

The mainstream media exacerbate­s the issue by magnifying threats from the right while minimizing or disregardi­ng those from the far left. Canadians well-remember the demonizati­on of the convoy protests in 2022 and the media’s efforts to link them to extremist groups and foreign funding, all of which were debunked. The media also turned a blind eye to the vandalism and arson targeting nearly 100 churches following an unproven allegation regarding residentia­l schools.

Universiti­es are also guilty. Universiti­es actively promote and support “decoloniza­tion” movements that engage in pipeline vandalism and contribute to the normalizat­ion of attacks on the energy sector.

Canada must follow Great Britain’s lead by listing these groups as extremists, start pressing charges against them and start encouragin­g deradicali­zation. If not, extremist groups will become emboldened and much more dangerous.

Joseph Quesnel is a senior research fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

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