
Only Your Allergist Knows: Allergy Immunother­apy Treatment Options

- Janice Tober

Allergies affect millions of people worldwide: it’s estimated that 400 to 500 million people suffer from allergies, with about 10 percent of those having a debilitati­ng form of the condition. Moving past being a simple irritant, uncontroll­ed allergies can lead to a significan­t complicati­on such as chronic asthma.

While it’s believed that approximat­ely 25 percent of the population has allergic rhinitis (hay fever), science does not yet know the exact cause of the condition, according to Dr. Anne Ellis, Director of the Allergy Research Unit, Kingston General Hospital Research Institute.

“We don’t fully understand why some people develop allergies and others don’t,” says Dr. Ellis. “There are a number of theories around why we’ve seen such a big increase in environmen­tal allergies and asthma over the past 50 years. A lot of it has to do with everything we’ve done to enjoy life as an industrial­ized society, like better hygiene, and more air traffic pollution. The price we’ve paid is an increased rate of allergic conditions.”

With the increased rate of allergies and the sometimes serious complicati­ons, it’s important to speak to your doctor about being referred to an allergist for testing and to receive the best treatment to ensure your allergies are

kept under control. A viable option for many is allergy immunother­apy treatment.

What is allergy immunother­apy?

Many people think immunother­apy only refers to cancer and immuno-oncology, but there’s more to it than that. What, then, is allergy immunother­apy?

Dr. Jason Lee is a specialist in Clinical Immunology and Allergy and Internal Medicine. “An allergy is when your body reacts to something that’s benign because it has made a mistake in identifyin­g the benign thing as something it needs to attack,” he explains. “Immunother­apy trains your body to ignore the benign by introducin­g small, controlled amounts of the allergen so that the body learns to accept it.”

So, unlike antihistam­ines which merely mask the symptoms, immunother­apy teaches your body to adapt to the offending substance. “It’s a treatment that actually tries to change your underlying immune reaction,” says Dr. Ellis.

Needles vs. pills

The newest treatment option in allergy immunother­apy are SLIT-Tablets, a sublingual immunother­apy treatment, as compared to subcutaneo­us immunother­apy treatment (SCIT). Both are effective, but each has its advantages.

SLIT-Tablets are convenient in that they allow for home administra­tion after the first dose in the doctor’s office. SCIT is statistica­lly slightly more effective, but patients must get weekly injections for the first few months, and then monthly thereafter. It can therefore take up to one year for patients to see results. SLIT-Tablets begin to work within 8 to 12 weeks when taken at the right time of year.

It’s important for those with allergies to discuss both options with their allergist, asking key questions such as: Do I have any risk factors for allergic reactions to immunother­apy? Is my asthma well-controlled enough to try immunother­apy? What are my specific allergens? What’s the cost and is it covered by health insurance?

Only through these discussion­s will you find out how best to control your allergies and if allergy immunother­apy is right for you.

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