Medicine Hat News

Halloween safety from the MHPS

- MO CRANKER mcranker@medicineha­ Twitter: MHNmocrank­er

With the day of spook and ghouls right around the corner the Medicine Hat Police Service want adults, party goers and trick-or-treaters to remember some important safety tips for this weekend.

“One of the biggest reminders we have for kids is to remember their road safety,” said Const. Josh Argue. “Just because you’re dressed up and out collecting candy, it doesn’t give you the right of way in every situation.”

Argue said both children and parents are better off wearing lighter clothing and carrying a flashlight.

“The lighter clothes obviously helps drivers spot you easier and from further away,” he said. “The flashlight greatly increases anyone’s field of view, while again making you more visible to drivers.”

Argue said parent involvemen­t is important, no matter how old the trick-or-treater is.

“It’s very important that parents are very involved with their child’s night,” he said. “They should know the route their child is taking as well as a rough timeline for when they’re out — when they get home, taking a look through their candy is super important.”

When inspecting candy, Argue says to look for opened or tampered-with packages and to throw away any homebaked goods unless it comes from a familiar home.

When decorating your home, Argue says to make sure it is well lit and accessible to everyone, with as little obstructio­n in the pathway as possible.

Argue also urged anyone drinking at any point this weekend to make sure to have a sober ride home.

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