Medicine Hat News

SD76 hopes for $45M in upgrades

- TIM KALINOWSKI tkalinowsk­i@medicineha­ Twitter: MHNTimKal

SD76 trustees voted unanimousl­y Tuesday Night to accept a proposed three-year capital plan totalling nearly $45 million in modernizat­ions for four city schools.

SD76’s wish list includes as a first priority of nearly $11 million in 2018/19 for modernizat­ion of the century-old Connaught School. Replacemen­t value for the building is estimated at more than $17 million, so modernizat­ion is the preferred option.

Major elements needing a full upgrade include new heating, which, in part, still relies on a system installed at the school’s inception. During winter months, cupboards need to be kept open to prevent pipes from freezing. The building also needs a new ventilatio­n and cooling system for the spring and summer months, when the atmosphere inside can be “stifling,” according to the report presented to trustees. The school is also deemed to be at 103 per cent capacity as of today’s enrolment numbers.

However, Connaught is not the most pricey of the modernizat­ions on the capital projects list.

Crestwood School will need $12 million to account for deferred maintenanc­e costs, and is on SD76’s list for 2019/2020.

Alexandra and River Heights schools will need about $16 million and $6.5 million each. The hope is to complete these projects by 2020/2021.

SD76 secretary-treasurer Jerry Labossiere told trustees a complex Facility Condition Index ranking system is used to determine which schools should be next in line for capital project funding based on five-year audits. This ranking system is supposed to ensure all schools are given a fair shot at getting needs met, not just the largest schools with the biggest buildings and associated costs.

“If you only look at dollars and deferred maintenanc­e you’d never get to the smaller buildings,” said Labossiere. “FCI tells you how much deferred maintenanc­e is needed relative to the replacemen­t value of that building.”

Moment of silence for Len Mitzel

Prior to getting down to regular business, SD76 board chair Rick Massini called for a moment of silence Tuesday night in honour of former Cypress Hills-Medicine Hat MLA Len Mitzel, who died this past weekend after succumbing to his battle with cancer.

“He was a good friend of the district who helped with a lot of our school modernizat­ions,” said Massini. “He was a very good, hard-working MLA.”

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