Medicine Hat News

Turkey votes to expand president’s powers

Critics say they will challenge results


ISTANBUL Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won a historic referendum Sunday that will greatly expand the powers of his office, although opposition parties questioned the outcome and said they would challenge the results.

With nearly all ballots counted, the “yes” vote stood at 51.41 per cent, while the “no” vote was 48.59 per cent, according to the state-run Anadolu Agency. The head of Turkey’s electoral board confirmed the “yes” victory and said final results would be declared in 11-12 days.

Although the margin fell short of the sweeping victory Erdogan had sought in the landmark referendum, it could neverthele­ss cement his hold on power in Turkey and is expected to have a huge effect on the country's long-term political future and its internatio­nal relations.

The 18 constituti­onal amendments that will come into effect after the next election, scheduled for 2019, will abolish the office of the prime minister and hand sweeping executive powers to the president.

Erdogan, who first came to power in 2003 as prime minister, had argued a “Turkish-style” presidenti­al system would bring stability and prosperity to a country rattled by a failed coup last year that left more than 200 people dead, and a series of devastatin­g attacks by the Islamic State group and Kurdish militants.

In his first remarks from Istanbul after the vote count showed the amendments winning approval, Erdogan struck a conciliato­ry tone, thanking all voters no matter how they cast their ballots and calling the referendum a "historic decision."

“April 16 is the victory of all who said ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ of the whole 80 million, of the whole of Turkey,” Erdogan told reporters in a live televised address.

But he quickly reverted to a more abrasive style when addressing thousands of flagwaving supporters in Istanbul.

“There are those who are belittling the result. They shouldn’t try, it will be in vain,’ he said. “It’s too late now.”

Responding to chants from the crowd to reinstate the death penalty, Erdogan said he would take up the issue with the country’s political leaders, adding that the question could be put to another referendum if the political leaders could not agree.

He also took a dig at internatio­nal critics. During the referendum campaign, Ankara’s relations soured with some European countries, notably Germany and the Netherland­s. Erdogan branded officials in the two nations as Nazis for not allowing his ministers to campaign for the expatriate vote there.

“We want other countries and organizati­ons to show respect to the decision of our people. We expect countries that we accept as our allies to show more sensitivit­y to our fight against terrorism,” he said.

Opponents had argued the constituti­onal changes would give too much power to a man who they say has shown increasing­ly autocratic tendencies. Opposition parties complained of a number of irregulari­ties in the voting, and were particular­ly incensed by an electoral board decision announced Sunday afternoon to accept as valid ballots that did not bear the official stamp.

“The Supreme Electoral Board changed rules mid-game, after the ballot envelopes were opened, in a way contrary to laws,” said Kemal Kilicdarog­lu, head of the main opposition People’s Republican Party. Earlier, the party’s vice chairman, Erdal Aksunger, said it would challenge between 37 per cent and 60 per cent of the ballot boxes and accused Anadolu’s results of being inaccurate.

But electoral board head Sadi Guven defended the decision.

“There is no question of changing the rules in the middle of the game,” he said.

A pro-Kurdish opposition party that also opposed the constituti­onal changes said it plans to object to two-thirds of the ballots.

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