Medicine Hat News

Alberta government faces renewed questions on safety of kids in care


EDMONTON Opposition leaders say Alberta's children's services minister should resign over reports that biological children are still living in a home under investigat­ion in the death of a child in kinship care.

Children's Services Minister Danielle Larivee says no children under government care are in the home.

Ongoing monitoring of the biological children has shown they are safe and are not being mistreated, she says.

"If there had been any identifica­tion of safety concerns, (the biological children) would have been removed," Larivee said Tuesday.

A suggestion that having children in a home where the adults are being investigat­ed puts the kids at risk prompted Larivee to reply that a criminal investigat­ion is still ongoing. For now, she said, she must rely on reports that the biological children are not in harm's way.

The case involves a fouryear-old girl named Serenity. Her death has elicited criticism and concern of the provincial child welfare under Premier Rachel Notley's NDP and the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government before that.

Serenity died in 2014 from maltreatme­nt and severe brain damage. Since details of her case became public late last year, the minister in charge has been shuffled out of the portfolio, a new Children's Services Ministry was created and Notley struck an all-party panel to come up with how to improve the system.

Ric McIver, who leads the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves in the house, said no children should be in the home — biological or otherwise.

"What could possibly have been more important that you couldn't be bothered to ensure (the safety of) kids in the same place where the brutal end to Serenity's young life took place?" McIver asked Larivee during question period.

Opposition Wildrose Leader Brian Jean echoed McIver's remarks.

"We need some answers — and we want to make sure that Alberta does whatever it possibly can to take these children that might be in harm's way out of harm," Jean said outside the legislatur­e.

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