Medicine Hat News

Mother of dead toddler attacked on social media


EDMONTON Members of an indigenous community in central Alberta are angry that strangers are using social media to attack the mother of a toddler who was found dead near a church last month.

The body of 19-month-old Anthony Raine was discovered April 21 outside the Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Edmonton. Police have said the boy had bruises all over his body and died from a severe blow to his head.

His father, Joey Crier, 26, and Crier’s girlfriend, Tasha Mack, 25, face charges of second-degree murder, criminal negligence causing death, failing to provide the necessitie­s of life and assault.

Some people on Facebook discussion groups have blamed the boy’s biological mother, Dalyce Raine, and her family for his death.

“His mother had no clue or concern as to how her baby was living,” reads one post. “A child who had no voice was murdered because not one person in his family reported what they knew.”

Another post suggests the toddler probably had fetal alcohol syndrome and should have been put up for adoption.

Yet another accuses the family of misusing money raised in a GoFundMe campaign for the child’s funeral.

“They are sick people taking advantage of people’s generosity,” reads the post. “I see a trip to Vegas in their future.”

Luci Johnson, a community worker with the Samson Cree First Nation, said the messages are full of hate and put pressure on a family that is still mourning Anthony’s death, she said.

“They are blaming the mother, saying it is her fault,” Johnson said.

“It is ugly. She just lost her little guy. All these people across the world judging her. They never even gave her time to grieve.”

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