Medicine Hat News

Group challengin­g U of A’s handling of anti-abortion protest


EDMONTON A group that advocates for freedom of speech is in court to challenge how the University of Alberta dealt with a student club that staged an anti-abortion display on campus.

The event in March 2015 held by the UAlberta Pro-Life club included graphic pictures of aborted fetuses.

The display sparked a much larger counter-demonstrat­ion by pro-choice students and others who tried to prevent people from seeing the disturbing images.

The Justice Centre for Constituti­onal Freedoms says campus security did nothing to prevent this “mob” of students from disrupting the display and failed to adequately investigat­e a complaint filed by members of the Pro-Life club.

“There is no doubt that they were harassed, they were surrounded and harassed mercilessl­y,” lawyer Jay Cameron said Thursday in Court of Queen’s Bench on behalf of members of the club.

“If the university wins, the mob wins.”

Last year, the university told the anti-abortion club it must pay a $17,500 security fee if it wanted to set up a similar display.

The centre wants the court to rule that charging such a fee infringes on freedom of expression under the charter.

It also contends that the university illegally condoned the disruption of the 2015 display even though the club had a permit.

The university maintains that its discipline officer handled the case properly when he found that rules spelled out in the school’s Code of Student Behaviour were not broken by the pro-choice protesters.

The officer determined that the counter-demonstrat­ion, which included students carrying signs saying “Don’t Like Abortion? Don’t Have One” and “I Am A Woman, Not A Womb”, was itself a form of free speech.

“Free speech is not a clean process where people will always take turns and treat each other with deference,” reads the officer’s conclusion that was included in the university’s brief submitted to the court.

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