Medicine Hat News

James can’t complain about being beaten by a mega-team


CLEVELAND LeBron James knew what might happen when Kevin Durant merged with the Warriors, a 73-win team out for revenge.

James understood the potential of this Golden State goliath with more firepower than perhaps anything the NBA has seen before.

And although he’s on the cusp of being swept in the Finals — for the second time — by a team unequalled in today’s game, James isn’t envious of the Warriors for building a super power in sneakers. He’d do it, too. One day after Cleveland plunged into a 3-0 hole following a demoralizi­ng 118-113 loss in Game 3, James said he didn’t have a problem with Durant tilting the balance of power by joining forces with a star-studded that already had Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green.

“It’s part of the rules,” James said Thursday. “Is it fair? I don’t care. It’s great for our league. Right now, look at our TV ratings, look at the money our league is pouring in. I mean, who am I to say if it’s fair or not?”

James paved the way for Durant by leaving Cleveland as a free agent in 2010 to play with All-Stars Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade in Miami, where the trio won backto-back titles sandwiched between four straight Finals. James doesn’t begrudge the Warriors, he even pointed out the NBA isn’t the only league where dynasties have been built by owners throwing around money.

“I’m not one to judge and say if it’s fair or not if guys are adding players to their team,” he said. “It happens. It’s sports. You have an opportunit­y to sign one of the best players, and you can do it, go ahead and do it.”

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