Medicine Hat News

Work together for a constructi­ve solution


Since I was not born many millennia ago I can’t verify nor deny who the original human custodians of our planet were. Were they cavemen, Aztec, Inca? It doesn’t matter.

Our modern Indigenous people are descendant­s who worshipped whom they believed to be their creator. To this day they consider where they buried their dead to be sacred ground and who is to say otherwise?

But one wonders if the lands and all were ceded to them or were they merely custodians who were expected to pass on to their successors the burden of custodians­hip? Are we, the present custodians, expected to do the same, and to whom?

Native, First Native, Aboriginal, Indigenous loosely interprete­d all mean the same thing. I am sure it is reference to the first human inhabitant­s to be given the responsibi­lity of “custodians of earth, water, flora and fauna. There main concerns were simple and logical: Sustain themselves, procreate and revere their supreme being for blessing them and providing them with the riches to attain their desires. Small

Ticked Off

With these people who say Khdar was the person who threw a grenade that killed American soldiers. How can they say for sure it was him? Were they there to see it, or are they just going by what they read and hear from news media.

Ticked Off

Went for a casual walk around Dunmore/Ross Glen Drive the other day and almost got whacked three times by inattentiv­e young drivers.

Tickled Pink

I’m overjoyed my neighbours got a new trampoline. When they’re at work I let my kids go over and play on it. They tire themselves right out.

Ticked Off

If you wish to go to fight for wonder that to this day they still take part in their rituals and thanks.

The rituals are steeped in folklore and history based on knowledge obtained form elders and medicine men. They learned about herbal concoction­s. Pharmaceut­ical companies would be in the herbal business if they could patent and control these cures.

The people were ingenious enough to construct and erect shelters from the elements.

While it is true some tribes were more interested in marauding and raiding, most were content to pursue food, water and shelter. The first inhabitant­s learned the habits of the fish and animals they needed for sustenance and usually took only enough to keep them fed through the lean times. The first custodians were the original health-care providers, learning and rememberin­g the right things to use for a given malady. They contribute­d so much to modern medicine, hunting and fishing and asked so little in return.

These people were hounded, harassed and herded to places

ISIS go, but you should not be allowed to return. You should be striped of your citizenshi­p and deported. Enough of this dual citizenshi­p.

Tickled Pink

With our dynamic Medicine Hat Public Library’s latest initiative, the Books on the Bus program. Reading is a great way of both educating and entertaini­ng ourselves.

Ticked Off

“When you commit a crime, you lose your rights” There are no words for how utterly, egregiousl­y wrong that is. I honestly don’t know what to say. Somebody actually thinks that!

Ticked Off

Not a cash cow? Then what is photo radar doing in a school zone at 7:55 a.m. in July? that were foreign to them and did not provide the essentials of sustainabl­e living. They revered land, eater, flora and fauna; we tended to revere money, power and control. They were used, abused and restricted until they could no longer live the life they were accustomed to. Many look down on them but forget who put them in the situation they’re in now.

It’s too bad it took so long for their plight to be recognized and only now is being taken seriously. Sadly missing are constructi­ve measures to correct what we did to them for so long. Deep, sane and logical solutions must be found and enacted so that we may all live in peace and equality. Some are protesting the length of time it’s taking but they must remember that time is needed to get it right. Patience is in short supply but no government, no matter how well-meaning, can wave a wand and make history and pain disappear.

Let us all work together in unison to work out a constructi­ve solution. Fighting and protests will not cut it.

Walter Korzyniows­ki Medicine Hat

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