Medicine Hat News

Saskatchew­an sterilizat­ions shame the nation


When the Alberta government apologized in 1999 for more than 40 years of forced sterilizat­ion of its citizens, one of the victims — a man wrongly deemed a “mental defective” — demonstrat­ed his considerab­le humanity by saying he hoped “that something like this will never happen to anybody again.” Unhappily, it has. Shame on Canada that this latest case has occurred years after the profound wrong of such policies was formally acknowledg­ed through apology and compensati­on. Shameful, too, is the fact the 21st-century victims of such barbarism were Indigenous women, already among the most vulnerable and most abused people in the country.

In Saskatchew­an last week, the Saskatoon Health Region apologized to Indigenous women who felt they were coerced into tubal ligation surgery that prevented them from bearing children.

An investigat­ion was launched earlier this year after a number of women complained they were pressured by medical staff and social workers to have the procedure, which clamps or severs the Fallopian tubes.

“Most of the women did not understand that tubal ligation was permanent, thinking it was a form of birth control that could be reversed in the future,” Yvonne Boyer, a Metis lawyer, and Metis physician Dr. Judith Bartlett reported.

The victims, who had the procedures urged on them during labour and after childbirth, felt “invisible, profiled and powerless,” the authors wrote.

In a country in which an inquiry has been launched into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, the news out of Saskatchew­an is yet more evidence of the harm and humiliatio­n perpetrate­d against Indigenous women.

It also adds yet another chapter to Canada’s dark history of sterilizat­ion policies.

In 1999, then-Alberta premier Ralph Klein apologized and offered compensati­on to victims for a campaign in that province between 1928 and 1970 that sterilized more than 2,800 people.

Many of those sterilized were deemed “mental defectives” and youth, women and minorities — especially Indigenous and Metis women — were sterilized in disproport­ionately high numbers.

In 1933, British Columbia became the second province to institute a sexual sterilizat­ion law. (In 2003, the B.C. government apologized to the roughly 400 victims of that campaign.) Large numbers of Inuit women were also sterilized in the Northwest Territorie­s in the 1970s.

“Historical­ly, Canada’s sterilizat­ion policies have had great detrimenta­l effects on Indigenous women,” the Boyer-Bartlett report said.

“Large numbers of Aboriginal women and men were sterilized for being ‘mentally unfit’ — when in reality, for various cultural and historical reasons they did not fit in with the Euro-centric dominant society’s definition of “fit.”

Profound effects

The effects on the victims in Saskatchew­an have been profound. A lost sense of womanhood. Failed relationsh­ips. Diminished prospects for new ones. Depression. Numbing self-destructiv­e behaviours. Addiction.

Such was the distrust caused by the unsought procedures that most of those interviewe­d had not been to a doctor or had received very little health care since, the authors said. “Even in situations that may be serious or even life-threatenin­g, women resist having to see a health-care provider.”

The investigat­ors said they were told that “because of the inherent racism experience­d by aboriginal people in many health-care settings” the review should be expanded beyond Saskatoon and across Canada.

There is a body of thought in this country that says Indigenous people should simply get over the trauma of the cultural genocide and discrimina­tion, the residentia­l schools and the so-called scoop of Indigenous children from families and communitie­s that have been perpetrate­d against them.

Surely that is far too much to ask when the systemic racism of our institutio­ns and the abuse of Indigenous people persist.

(This editorial was published July 30 in the Toronto Star and distribute­d by The Canadian Press.)

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