Medicine Hat News

Public school boards associatio­n in Alberta indeed supports access to separate education for minority faiths


On behalf of the Public School Boards’ Associatio­n of Alberta, I would like to address some misinforma­tion in the Sept. 19 article headlined “Catholic board election attracts packed ballot.”

One of the people quoted in the article stated that “the Public School Boards’ Associatio­n of Alberta questions the legitimacy of the constituti­onal right of Catholics to have their own system.” This is simply not true.

The Public School Boards’ Associatio­n of Alberta supports the right of minority faith ratepayers, to access separate education. In fact, our associatio­n’s vision for one education system, includes, respects and supports the Constituti­onal and Charter rights of Albertans.

In terms of charter and home schooling we also support choice, within the public education system, through the provision of alternativ­e programs. We feel very strongly that these publicly funded education systems can be housed under one single system which allows for equal and equitable access to the educationa­l opportunit­ies of one’s choice and maximizes our educationa­l tax dollars. We believe in putting the money in the classrooms where it will benefit our children the most. Our children, who will lead us into the future, need to be prepared for the challenges and opportunit­ies they will face in our growing province.

The article also stated that “the Theodore case in Saskatchew­an challenges the constituti­onality of publicly-funded Catholic schools.” The case in Saskatchew­an does not challenge the constituti­onality, it clarifies the constituti­onal provisions. Justice Lahy stated that it belies reason that the separate system would now accept non-denominati­onal students and expect public funding for the very students it needed to be separated from. The Public School Boards’ Associatio­n of Alberta agrees with this clarificat­ion and supports it.

As leaders within the communitie­s that we serve, we must model for our children the values that we wish them to embrace – integrity, service to others, collaborat­ion and compassion. Our children are watching and counting on us.

Cathy Hogg Edmonton

(The writer is second vice president, Public School Boards’ Associatio­n of Alberta)

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