Medicine Hat News

Army supporters, nationalis­ts march in Myanmar city


YANGON, Myanmar People marched in Myanmar’s largest city on Sunday to support the military, which has come under heavy criticism over violence that has driven hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee to neighbouri­ng Bangladesh.

More than 2,000 army supporters, including Buddhist nationalis­ts and monks, took part in the march.

“I want to urge you to support the military. Only if the military is strengthen­ed will our sovereignt­y will be secured,” a senior Buddhist nationalis­t monk, Zagara, told the crowd.

More than 600,000 Rohingya from northern Rakhine state have fled to Bangladesh since Aug. 25, when Myanmar security forces began a scorched-earth campaign against Rohingya villages. Myanmar’s government has said it was responding to attacks on police outposts by insurgents, but the United Nations and others have said the response was disproport­ionate.

The exodus of the Rohingya has become a major humanitari­an crisis and sparked internatio­nal condemnati­on of Myanmar.

Nyunt Yi, a 70-year-old retired military soldier who served in the army for more than 40 years, said Sunday that “only the army can protect the national security and stop the illegal intruders," referring to the Rohingya.

Myanmar's Buddhist majority denies that Rohingya are a separate ethnic group and regards them as having migrated illegally from Bangladesh, although they have lived in Myanmar for generation­s.

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