Medicine Hat News

NDP not planning probe of Stoffer complaints


OTTAWA The federal NDP is not planning an investigat­ion into how the party handled allegation­s of sexual misconduct against former MP Peter Stoffer — at least not right now.

New Democrats have been looking inward after several women who worked for the party came forward in recent days alleging Stoffer acted inappropri­ately toward them, including reports of touching and kissing.

At least one told the National Post that her complaints were raised with senior party leaders after two alleged incidents in 2006 and 2009, but that they were essentiall­y ignored.

Stoffer, who held the Halifax-area riding of SackvilleE­astern Shore from 1997 to 2015, has acknowledg­ed some of his actions may have caused discomfort and has apologized for that. But he has denied sexually assaulting or physically abusing anyone.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has opened his door to anyone who wants to share their experience­s, party spokeswoma­n Sarah Andrews said Monday, but there are no current plans to dive into the allegation­s against Stoffer.

“I wouldn’t say an investigat­ion has been absolutely ruled out. As of now, one hasn’t been launched,” Andrews told The Canadian Press.

“Caucus hasn’t had a chance to meet yet, so they’ll be meeting on Wednesday. I imagine it will come up as a topic of conversati­on. And we’re monitoring the situation. It might evolve.”

Singh recently launched an investigat­ion into allegation­s of harassment against current New Democrat MP Erin Weir, after fellow caucus colleague Christine Moore said she had heard — but not personally experience­d — concerns about harassment raised by some female staff.

Potential complainan­ts have been given until Feb. 20 to come forward with any specific allegation­s. Weir has denied any wrongdoing.

Federal Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer has also ordered an external investigat­ion into how former MP Rick Dykstra was allowed to run as candidate for the party in 2015 despite senior party officials knowing that he had been accused of sexual assault.

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