Medicine Hat News

OPP nabs man who skipped court

- PEGGY REVELL prevell@medicineha­ Twitter: MHNprevell

A Red Deer man who was a no-show for his sentencing on serious drug traffickin­g charges in Medicine Hat has pled guilty to new charges accumulate­d after fleeing to Ontario.

Paul Rasmussen, 45, was sentenced three provinces over to two years less a day for failing to provide a sample for impaired driving, possessing a stolen licence plate, being in possession of a spring-loaded knife contrary to the weapons prohibitio­n that exists against him, simple possession of methamphet­amine, breaching his curfew and breaching release conditions by possessing meth.

He was also given a lifetime driving and weapons prohibitio­n.

Rasmussen had entered guilty pleas in Medicine Hat to 20 drug and firearm charges over a May 2017 drug bust where police say $33,000 in meth was seized. Following these pleas being entered, he was released on a $3,000 surety where he was required to live with his mother under 24/7 curfew in Red Deer, only allowed out with her supervisio­n.

He failed to show up for his Oct. 31 sentencing, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

He was taken into custody three provinces over Nov. 5 when members of the Dryden Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police received several traffic complaints over a vehicle weaving in and out of traffic on Highway 17 in northwest Ontario.

Rasmussen's co-accused in Medicine Hat has a similar story. Siofean Coderre entered guilty pleas to drug traffickin­g charges, and was also granted release under strict conditions, then failing to show up for her sentencing. Coderre was re-arrested in Prince Albert. She is now set to be sentenced on Feb. 27.

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