Medicine Hat News

Family builds Lego wheelchair for disabled cat


SUSSEX, N.B. A stray kitten that was found in a New Brunswick barn with two broken legs is being given a second chance, thanks to a lot of care — and a Lego wheelchair.

Champ was rescued by Cat Rescue Maritimes after being discovered in the barn in Sussex just over a week ago.

“(Champ) does have hind legs, but they are kind of twisted around and they are not usable. But other than that, he seemed to be in good health,” said veterinari­an Dr. Stephen Justason.

Terry Peck of Cat Rescue Maritimes’ Sussex chapter told Global News she was sure the disabled kitten would have to be euthanized, but said they were unable to part ways after he started wagging his tail and she fell for him.

“He can wag his tail, he can use the washroom and we just fell in love with him and had to give him a chance,” said Peck.

Champ’s foster family decided to build him a little wheelchair out of Lego plastic blocks, Peck said.

The gizmo has allowed Champ to get around with his littermate­s, using a red sock cut into a tiny sweater to prevent the harness from chafing his body.

"They just fell in love with him and accept him just the way he is,” said Peck. “Humans could learn a lot from animals.”

But he is outgrowing the Lego wheelchair, so the group is raising money to buy an adjustable one that will grow with him.

Justason said there’s also the potential for Champ to develop additional health problems down the road, such as kidney problems and digestive issues. But Peck says his foster family is more than ready to look after any health concerns that pop up.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-CARMA SUSSEX CHAPTER ?? A stray kitten that was found in a New Brunswick farmer's barn with two broken legs is being given a second chance, thanks to a lot of care and some Lego ingenuity. "Champ," shown in a screengrab from video, was rescued by Cat Rescue Maritimes after...
THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-CARMA SUSSEX CHAPTER A stray kitten that was found in a New Brunswick farmer's barn with two broken legs is being given a second chance, thanks to a lot of care and some Lego ingenuity. "Champ," shown in a screengrab from video, was rescued by Cat Rescue Maritimes after...

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